Psychology of Injury Risk and Prevention


Pscyhology Flashcards on Psychology of Injury Risk and Prevention, created by Mark Arsenal on 27/04/2013.
Mark Arsenal
Flashcards by Mark Arsenal, updated more than 1 year ago
Mark Arsenal
Created by Mark Arsenal almost 12 years ago
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Resource summary

Question Answer
How do athletes think and respond to stressful situations? They go through Cognitive Appraisal and Physiological/Attentional Changes. CA involves thoughts about there ability to meet demands and the consequences of not. PC involves there physiological response, whether they have a fight or flight response, narrowing of peripheral vision or muscle tension.
Whan an athlete feels threatened or challenged by a situation what processes allows them either to cope or not? There perceived control and coping potential over being able to overcome or eliminate the threat.
Do certain personalities pose a greater risk of injury? Yes. Type 'A' personality type have increased risk.
What personality characteristics have a increased risk of injury? External locus of control (beleive external factors control there ability to suceed), high trait anxiety, Low/High in sensation seeking, Pessimism, Mood disturbances, Perfectionism, Depression.
What personality characteristics have a lower risk of injury? Internal Locus of Control, Low Trait Anxiety, Hardiness and Optimism, Positive state of mind.
How does Sensation Seeking effect risk of Injury? Those who sensation seek are much more susceptible to injury due to risk taking tendencies.
What is Petrie 1993 suggestion in regard to Life Stress, Injury and High Trait Anxiety? That they are all linked. High Trait Anxiety causes Life Stress which causes Injury which causes High Trait Anxiety etc.. Circular Effect.
Do Significant Life Events have an effect on injury risk? Yes. Athletes who have high life stress are 2 to 5 times more likely to sustain injury.
Define Significant Life Events: 'Environmental circumstances that have an identifiable onset and ending that may carry potential for altering an individuals present state of physical and mental well being'
Define Daily Hassles: 'irritating, frustrating demands, that occur during everyday transactions with the environment'
What effect do Daily Life Hassles have on Injury Risk? Increases injury risk. Injured athletes had significantly more life hassles in the week prior to injury.
What did Petrie 1992 find in relation to social support and negative life events with injury in Gymnasts? Gymnasts with low social support and high negative life events were more vulnerable towards injury.
How can we help athletes who are at a high risk of injury? Modify Cognitive Appraisal: Thinking patterns, realistic expectations, sense of belonging, optimal coach-athlete communication. Modify Physical Response: Relaxation, Attentional Control Training, Stress inoculation training.
In Noh, Morris and Andersen 2007 (Dancers) what effect did teaching coping strategies have on injury duration? The coping strategies helped report shorter injury periods.
Should we screen athletes for injury risk? 2-sided argument. No- Psychological tests can be misused or misinterpreted and it may create self-fulfilling prophecy. Yes- We can target interventions to those who may need it earlier.
Define Athletic Injury: Any injury that results in missed practice or competition or alters participation.
How Prevalent are Sports Injuries? 17mill sports injuries a year, yearly nearly half of all amatuer athletes sustain injuries, sport/exercise is the main cause of injury in the UK
How much more injury risk is there in contact sports? 2.5 times more risk of injury.
How much more risk are injuries during competition than in training? 5 times higher.
What causes athletic injury? Physiological Factors, Anatomical Factors, Environmental Factors, Bad Luck, Psychosocial Factors.
What is Stress? A substantial imbalance between demand and response capacity, under conditions where failure to meet the demand has an important consequences.
What is the Model of Stress and Athletic Injury? (Williams and Andersen 1998)
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