Gero Final


N450-Gero Flashcards on Gero Final, created by Kate Caldwell on 12/03/2014.
Kate Caldwell
Flashcards by Kate Caldwell, updated more than 1 year ago
Kate Caldwell
Created by Kate Caldwell over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Which food group should be increased during illness? PROTEIN (unless renal disease)
What effect does Sorbitol have on the GI system? malabsorption--> dehydration
What BMI is overweight? >25
What BMI is obesity? >30
What is the red flag of weight loss? 10 pound+ weight loss over 6 months that is unintentional
How many inches in height do ederly lose with age? 2-4 inches
On the nutritiona assessment took, what score indicates malnourishment? <17
What is the max score on the nutritional assessment tool? 30
Which protein is the best indicator of chronic malnourishment? prealbumin, because it has the shortest half life
What prealbumin level indicates malnorishment? <5-15
How much protein is recommended daily? 1 gram/kg/day
How much protein daily is recommended for adult with sarcopenia? 1-1.5grams/kg/day (30 grams at each meal!)
Anytime elderly complains of GI pain, what should be ruled out first? cardiac issue
How is dysphagia treated? thickened liquids or pureed fods
From what side is the abdomen assessed? from the right side (so liver can be palpated)
With diarrhea,what foods should beavoided? veggies, spices, and dairy: follow the brat diet
How is anemia classified? by mean corpuscular volume (MCV) or the size of the RBCs
Women are diagnosed with anemia if Hgb is less than... <12
When is Hgb falsely high? If dehydrated, smoker, or in a high elevation
When is anemia treated? When hgb falls below 8
With iron deficiency anemia, what happens to RBCs? they become smaller, so the MCV is lower
How do we treat iron deficiency anemia? 325 mg Iron daily with OJ
What is B12 deficiency? AKA pernicious anemia: lack intrinsic factor, so B12 isn't absorbed
How do we test for B12 anemia? Shilling Test: urine test over 24 hour period
How do we treat B12 anemia? B12 injection for life
How often are vitals taken during blood transfusion? q5minutes for the first 15 minutes of transfusion
How to we manage a blood reaction? stop transfusion; flush line with saline
What happens with HR in elderly? Decreases
What happens with BP in elderly? Increased systolic BP
What is the #1 risk factor for CAD? HTN
Which diuretic is the first line treatment for HTN? HCTZ
Which HTN med is best for diabetics? ACE inhib
What is the first line diuretic for CHF? Lasix
With HF, how often should patient weight? daily!
Which lab level is checked during HF? BNP
What happens to RR in elderly? Increases
Which COPD is the blue bloater? chronic bronchitis
Which COPD is the pink puffer? Emphysema
What is often the first and only sign of pneumonia in elderly? change in mental status!
What is treatment for TB? INH or Rifampin for 9 months, keep in negative pressure room
With the Epworth Sleepiness Scale, what score indicates you aren't getting enough sleep? 9+
What questions are asked on the ESS? likelihood of falling asleep in various siuations
What questions does the PittsburgSleep Quality index ask? During the last month, how often have you had trouble falling asleep because....
Which sleep scale is more specific? pittsburg
How do we diagnose sleep apnea? polysomnogram in sleep lab
Why is drug abuse hard to see in elderly? symptoms mimic other age related illnesses
Which labs monitor warfarin therapy? INR and PT
Which lab monitors heparin therapy? PTT
What is normal PTT? 60-70
IF taking warfari, what should INR be? 2-3
What is the ESR? Time it takes RBCs to settle in NSS over 1 hour
What do an elevated ESR and CRP mean? inflammation
What is the Beer's Criteria? If a medication MUST be used, go low and go slow: applied to benzos, antibitioics, iron, and anti-psych
What are side effects of anticholinergics? dry mouth, flushing, confusion
How can we aid a med side effect of upset tummy? Sit upright for 30 minutes after eating
Where do most med errors occur? in LTC facilities
What causes OA? loss of cartilage and synovial fluid in the joints
What are s/s of OA? pain, stiffness, and joint crepitus, Herberdens node and Bouchards nodes. NO SYSYTEMIC effects
What are herberden's nodes? occur distally on fingers
What are bouchard's nodes? Occurs proximally on finger
How do we treat OA? heat or cold (whatever works), NSAIDS, capsasin, Tylenol, or surgery
What is spinal stenosis? A bony overgrowth of joints in the spine
With RA, when is pain worst? in the AM
Compared to OA, when does RA start? Earlier, in 30s and 40s
What is the pattern of joint inflammation in RA? symmetrical, pannus formation
Which RA deformity is most common? Ulnar shift: fingers turn outward
Which two DMARDS are commonly used to treat RA? plaquenil and methotrexate
What substances accumulates with gout? uric acid
Which med treats acute gout? Colchicine
Which med treats chronic gout? allopurinol
What foods should be avoided with gout? alcohol, anchovies, liver
What are risk factors for osteoporosis? early menopause, low vitamin D, white and small
How do we diagnose osteoporosis? DEXAscan
When should bisphosphonates be stopped for osteoporosis? When improvement ceases: can worsen osteoporosis
What are s/s of PAget's disease? Bone enlargement, bone pain, H/A, hearing loss, fractures
What is osteomyelitis? infection of the bone
How do we prep stump for prosthesis? Stump conditioning: proper wrapping that is tighter at the bottom
How do we prevent amputee contractures? tummy time!
How long should stump be elevated post op? 24 hours on ONE pillow only
How do we treat phantom limb pain? Pain meds!
What is the leading cause of hip fractures ? FALLS!
What is the timed up and go assessment? Get up from chair, walk 5 feet, turn around ad sit down using NO SUPPORT from ARMS: should take 20-30 seconds with a normal score of 1
What are intrinsic risks for falls? poor vision, poor cognition, poor proprioception
What are extrinsic risks for falls? environment (throw rugs), meds, restraints, CATS meow
After hip replacement, how are legs positioned? abduction (away from body)using a wedge pillow: NO ABDUCTION/crossing legs
How do we walk with a cane>? Cane on strong side!
What are s/s of fat emboli? SUDDEN SOB, agitation, chest pain, tachycardia, and petechial rash on chest and back (from RBC breakdown)
Why are fingertips not used on casts? They can leave dents
What are s/s of compartment syndrome? throbbing pain unrelieved by pain meds
How soon will limb lose function with compartment syndrome? Within 6 hours there is cell death
What are the 6 Ps to assess for compartment syndrome? Parasthesia, pain, pressure, pallor, paralysis, pulselessness (late sign)
What is a red flag sign of infection with a cast? BAD odor
What is the goal of traction? To keep the limb in alignment
What is Buck's traction? Skin traction exerted by straight pull with a weight
How much does renal blood flow decrease as we age? Decreases 10% per decade after the age of 40
What are tests for provocation? Completed with a full bladder to check for incontinence: coughing, bouncing, listening to water run!
What causes overflow incontinence? Poor nerve endings and muscles that can't contract well
With overlow incontinence, what is the post void residual? >100 mL
Which two incontinencies will Kegals help? Stress and Urge
What is the biggest BPH risk factor? aging!
How do we diagnose BPH? digital rectal exam
What meds should be avoided with BPH? anticholinergics, because they cause urinary retention
What do proscar and Avodart treat? BPH
how long do proscar and Avodart take to work? 6 months
What does Saw Palmeto cause? treats BPH (maybe), but causes increased bleeding risk
What kind of catheter is used in BPH patients? Coude
What is a side effect ofTURP? erectile dysfunction
After a TURP, on CBI, what fluid is used to flush? NSS
With CBI following a TURP, how long after clots common? for first 24-36 hours
when is triple lumen catheter for CBI D/Cd? Once urine returns to yellow (about 2-3 days)
How do we diagnose prostate cancer? digital rectal exam and a PSA >4 ng
What is a rare side effect of Viagra? blindness
What is andropause? Age related decrease in testosterone
What are 5 components of metabolic syndrome? abdominal obesity, HTN, high triglycerides, high HDL, and high BS
What are microvascular complications of DM? renal dysfunction, neuropathy, and retinopathy
What is an early indicator of DM? freuquent UTIs
What are s/s of hypoglycemia in older adult? confusion, weakess, diaphoresis, tremors
How much carbs should be in diabetic diet? 45-60% of diet
What are s/s of hyperthyroidism in elderly? tachycardia, fatige, tremors, nervousness, Afib
What are s/s of hypothyroidism in elderly? fatigue, cold intolerance, weigh gain, confusion
Why shouldn't we take generic forms of Synthroid? Can cause angina or cardiac arrhythmias
Where does cancer love to go? liver, lungs, and brain
What are s/s of lung cancer? chest pain, cough, high # resp infections
What is a late sign of pancreatic cancer? jaundice
What are causes of stomach cancer? unknown!
What is the max score on the caregiver strain tool? 26: super strained!!
What is the goal of palliative care? to eliminate or lessen pain
What is needed for hospice care? Proven that you have less than 6 months months to live
What is the number one sign of approaching death? change in breathing! (death rattle, cheynne stokes, etc)
How do we treat increased secretions in dying? NO SUCTION: give anticholinergics
What also are s/s of approaching death? dark urine, blood pools in dependent areas, decrease intake of food and water, loss of ability to close eyes
What is the drug of choice for pain in dying? morphine...still treat if unresponsive
If the patient is a viable organ donor, what do we do afte death? keep ventilated to maintain perfusion
How long can body stay on floor after death? <4 hours
Who pronounces death in a nursing home? RN
If patient dies I semiprivate room, who moves? move the living patient
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