Ancient Mesopotamia & Egypt


Alyn Labra
Flashcards by Alyn Labra, updated more than 1 year ago
Alyn Labra
Created by Alyn Labra about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Mesopotamia Name means "land between the rivers",
Fertile Crescent the region in the Middle East which curves,like a quarter-moon shape;Known as the Cradle of Civilization
Polytheistic belief in Many gods; Ancient
Ziggurat the massive platform that the sumerians believed in over 3,000 gods.
Theocracy means "rule by god"; describes a govt. where the ruler is thought to be a god.
Cuneiform 1st writing system developed by the sumerians;"wedge-shape writing"
Hammurabi's Law Code 1st written laws;
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