constitution flash cards


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Taniyah Robinson
Flashcards by Taniyah Robinson, updated more than 1 year ago
Taniyah Robinson
Created by Taniyah Robinson about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Preamble intro the u.s, Constitution; begins with we the people; identifies 6 goals that the constitution will achieve
Article 1 About the legislative branch; describe the congress and its powers
Bicameral Made up of 2 houses or two parts.
House Of Representatives Lower house of congress; 435 member representative is based on population.
Qualification for the HoR 1. Must be at least 25 years old 2. A u.s citizen for a least 9 years 3. Live in the district they represent
Sentate Upper house of congress; made up of 100 members; 2 from each state(equal representative); elected by the state legislature
Qualification or the US senate 1. Must be at least 30 years old 2. Must be a citizen for at least 7 years 3. Live in the state you represent
Article 1; Section 8 List 18 powers that are given to the congress
Inpeachment To formally charge an elected official with wrongdoing; The house of representative votes to impeach; Then if the house of representative votes yes there is a trial held by the senate
Enumerated Power Aka "Expressed powers"; Powers given only to congress & they are listed in the articles 1. section 8
Reserved Power Powers that are "reserved" for the state Governments
Concurrent Power "Con" = with Powers shared between the national congress & the state legislature. Ex power to tax
Writ Of habeas corpus Latin mean "have the body": Congress can not make laws that takes away a citizen write to " due process of law"
Bill of attainder Congress can NOT make a law that takes away a person right to a trail
Article ll About the executive branch (the president)
Qualification to be a president 1. Be at least 35 years old 2. A natural born citizen (born in us) 3. Live in the untied state for at least 14 years
State of the union address The annual speech given by the president on Jan. 2oth about the whats happening in the country
Commander IN chief The president is over the US military.
Article lll About the judicial branch (aka judiciary) very vague: says there be a supreme court & leaves up to congress to create "inferior" courts
Article lV About the relationship among the states; includes the " full faith & credit clause"
Article V About amending (changing) the constitution; an amendment must be voted by 2/3rds of the congress & 3/4 of the states
Article VI The sumpermacy cluase; Says The constitution & national laws are ABOVE state laws
Article Vll 9 of the 13 original states had to vote yes before the constitution became law
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