History 4.3


Flashcards on History 4.3, created by Malaya Nicole on 23/01/2017.
Malaya Nicole
Flashcards by Malaya Nicole, updated more than 1 year ago
Malaya Nicole
Created by Malaya Nicole about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Neutral Not favoring either side in a dispute
Impressment Forcing sailors to serve in the British navy (seizing sailors)
Why were the Native Americans concerned with the expansion of the American settlements? They wanted to protect their land from being settled
Who won the Battle of Fallen Timbers? Americans, led by Anthony Wayne
At the Treaty of Greenville, what did the Native Americans give up? Most of their lands from the Ohio River in the South to Lake Erie in the North
What was the US stance as war broke out in 1793 between Britain and France? The US remained neutral
Why did US want to remain neutral? The US wanted to be able to trade with both sides
How did the British respond to the American stance during this war? Stopped American ships and seized cargos, but eventually repaired relations
Why were the Republicans angered at Treaty John Jay made with England? Thought the US gave away too much in return for too little
Why did the Federalists favor the Treaty? The Treaty kept peace with Britain
Why was the treaty approved by the Senate? Federalists controlled the Senate
As Washington retired from public life, he warned Americans with 2 final pieces of advice... 1. Stay away from political divisions at home, fearing they might tear the nation apart 2. The United States should stay out of the affairs of Europe
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