Enzyme Kinetics


Flashcards on Enzyme Kinetics, created by sophiakostich on 10/05/2013.
Flashcards by sophiakostich, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sophiakostich over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the Michaelis-Menten model for enzyme kinetics?
What is Kcat a measure of? Kcat is a measure of catalytic production of product under optimum conditions (saturated enzyme).
What are the units of Kcat? s-1/generally time
What is the equation for Kcat?
What is Vmax? Vmax is when 100% of enzyme is complexes with substrate - the maximum rate at which the reaction between enzyme and substrate can occur.
Draw a Michaelis-Menten plot of v versus [S].
What is the Michaelis Menten equation? What do all the parts of it stand for? V= velocity, Vmax = theoretical maximal velocity, [S] = substrate conc, Km = constant for any enzyme V=Vmax x [S]/Km + [S]
Which has a higher affinity for substrate binding? High or low Km? High Km - low affinity of enzyme for substrate Low Km - high affinity of enzyme for substrate (therefore low Km means better reaction)
What does Km equal on the michaelis-menten graph? Km = 1/2 Vmax... Km = [S]
What are the units for Km? As Km=[S] they are the same as whatever the units are for [S] in the given reaction.
Draw a Lineweaver-Burk Double Reciprocal plot.
What is a competitive inhibitor? How can it be overcome? A competitive inhibitor competes with substrate to bind active sites and reduces the proportion of enzymes bound to substrate. It can be overcome by increasing the concentration of substrate.
What is a non-competitive inhibitor? How can it be overcome? A non-competitive inhibitor inactivates some of the enzymes so it can no longer bind substrate resulting in decreased turnover number. Non competitive inhibition cannot be overcome.
How does the Lineweaver burk plot change with competitive and non-competitive inhibitors?
What is Ki? Relationship between an enzyme and the inhibitor.
What factor is the slope of a lineweaver-burk plot increased by in presence of competitive inhibitor? By a factor of (1 + [I]/Ki) where [I] is the concentration of the inhibitor and Ki is the dissociation constant of the EI complex.
Does low Ki indicate strong or weak enzyme binding? Low Ki indicates strong binding (like Km).
What happens to Vmax and Km in the presence of a non-competitive inhibitor? Vmax decreases whilst Km stays the same.
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