Wolsey's Domestic Policies


Flashcards on Wolsey's Domestic Policies , created by jenna.ridley on 16/05/2014.
Flashcards by jenna.ridley, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jenna.ridley over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Name and outline the two courts that Wolsey used to achieve justice for people as part of his domestic policies Court of Chancery- dealt with non-criminal offences such as wills, taxes etc.. It dealt with 540 cases a year and used both common and canon law Court of Star Chamber- was the more effective court dealing with 120 cases a year compared to the 12 cases a year by Henry VII. It dealt with criminal offences and again used both common and canon law.
How could Wolsey be argued to have exploited his control over the courts? Many said that Wolsey used the courts to carry out personal vendettas against his enemies. For example he put Sir Amyas Paulet in the Middle temple for 5 years until he surrendered all his possessions. The Lord Burgavenny was charged with illegal retaining in 1516 and the Earl of Northumberland was sent to Fleet Prison in 1515.
What were some positives of Wolsey's justice campaigns? He carried out 120 cases a year in the Court of Star chamber and 540 in the court of Chancery. The enquiry into enclosure showed that he was addressing local grievances
What were some negatives to Wolsey's justice campaign? He was accused of carrying out personal vendettas. He accepted bribes to enrich himself. The enclosure enquiry had to be suspended because of opposition therefore showing he could not exert full political power over the people.
Name some financial measure Wolsey took as part of his domestic policies. Fifteenths and Tenths Subsidy Forced Loans Amicable Grant Decreasing Royal expenditure.
What were the successes of financial measures taken? The subsidy created £200,000 in 1523 to pay for the wars against France Reduction in royal expenditure created a surplus of money.
What were some failures of financial measures taken? The amicable grant was met with mass unrest In 1523 Wolsey demanded £800,000 from subsidies but only received £200,000.
Why did Wolsey receive factional opposition? He was of a low birth His close relationship with the King His use of justice for own vendettas. Enclosure enquiry Cost cutting such as the Eltham Ordinances.
Name some of the abuses that needed reforming. Simony Nepotism Absenteeism Pluralism Sexual misconduct
Did Wolsey carry out an effective reform of the Church through his domestic policies No! He was actually guilty of many of the abuses himself. His dissolution of the monasteries can be seen as a financial gain rather than religious. He used the money to create the Cardinal College Oxford. By maintaining the benefit of the clergy he also protected abuses that were occurring. He left the Church vulnerable to attack.
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