Unit 7.2


Flashcards on Unit 7.2, created by Ahmet ACS on 28/07/2017.
Ahmet ACS
Flashcards by Ahmet ACS, updated more than 1 year ago
Ahmet ACS
Created by Ahmet ACS over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
force field Region of space in which an object will experience a non-contact force
Force A push pull or a twist that can change an object motion
Friction Force that acts against an object's motion
Newton Unit used to measure force
Mass The amount of matter in a substance (measured in kilograms)
Traction Grip
Weight The force of gravity pulling on an object; measuredin newton
Magnetic field Region around a magnet in which a magnetic force is expeaienced
Fulcrum Point about which a lever pivots
Driving gear The gear that supplies force to another gear
Gear train A system of interconnected gears
Air resistance Friction that acts on an object moving through the air
Acceleration Increase in speed
Atoms Tiny particles that make up all matter
Ramp An inclined plane used to help lift an object
Load Often a weight, on a leveror material
Static electricity A build-up of electric charge
Poles Ends of a magnetic, may be a north or south pole
Permanent magnet A magnetical that remains magnetic for a long time
Geard A wheel with teeth used to turn another gear wheel
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