Seven Hats


Mind Map on Seven Hats, created by Saam Hernandez on 01/10/2017.
Saam Hernandez
Mind Map by Saam Hernandez, updated more than 1 year ago
Saam Hernandez
Created by Saam Hernandez over 7 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Seven Hats
  1. My Past
    1. Travel to Acapulco in family
      1. My first birthday
        1. Separation from my familiy
        2. My Present
          1. I study the upper middle level
            1. My boyfriend and I have a 7 month relationship
              1. I lived an earthquake
              2. My Future
                1. Have my own family
                  1. I will have my own house
                    1. I will have my own cars
                      1. Travel the world
                      2. My Future Jobs
                        1. I will be an administrator of tourist companies
                        2. My Hobbies
                          1. Dance
                            1. Go out with my friends, my boyfriend and my family
                            2. My Meals
                              1. Impossible cake
                                1. Chinese food
                                  1. Mole with chicken and rice
                                  2. My Journeys
                                    1. Michoacan in 2014
                                      1. Queretaro, Acambay in 2017
                                        1. Verazcruz in 2012
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