Sexuality is the set of anatomical, physiological and
psychological conditions that characterize each sex. The
term also refers to sexual pleasure and the set of
emotional and behavioral phenomena linked to sex
it's the recognition of one's potential
and qualites as an individual, specially
relation to social contact
Having the characteristics or
nature of both male and female
Grace Jones
Jamaican actress,
singer, and model
Grace Jones,
Milla Jovovich
Famous for her
“Resident Evil” movies,
Milla Jovovich is also a
model, singer, and
fashion designer
It's the way of referring to something or someone in
society. In this case, it refers to the terms:
heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual,...
Sexual orientation
Term used to describe our patterns of emotional,
romantic, and sexual attraction and our sense of
personal and social identity based on those attractions.
HETEROSEXUALITY: attraction to
members of the opposite sex
HOMOSEXUALITY: attraction to
members of the same sex
BISEXUALITY: attraction to
members of the same sex
ASEXUALITY: the lack of sexual
attraction to others
PANSEXUALITY: capability of attraction to others
regardless of their gender identity or biological sex.
Gender role
The outward manifestations of personality
that reflect the gender identity
Gender identity
Personal conception of
oneself as male, female,
both or neither
Term for people whose
gender identity matches
the sex that they were
assigned at birth.
People that have a gender identity
or gender expression that differs
from their assigned sex
Is a catch-all category for gender
identities that are not exclusively
masculine or feminine
Refers to a gender
which varies over time
A person that
identifies as neither
a male or a female