Business Stakeholders


3º de ESO Business (Topic 1: Understanding business activity) Mind Map on Business Stakeholders, created by Carmen Diaz on 05/05/2018.
Carmen Diaz
Mind Map by Carmen Diaz, updated more than 1 year ago
Carmen Diaz
Created by Carmen Diaz almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Business Stakeholders
  1. Community
    1. Safe products
      1. Jobs for locals
        1. Clean environment
        2. Government
          1. Taxes
            1. Employment
            2. Workers
              1. Job security
                1. Satisfying work
                  1. Income
                  2. Managers
                    1. Higher salaries
                      1. Control
                        1. Status
                        2. Owners
                          1. Reduced risks
                            1. Profits
                            2. Consumers
                              1. Good value for money (worth the money you pay)
                                1. Good quality products
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