Intelligent Organizations


Mind Map on Intelligent Organizations, created by Juan Sebastián Vallejo Rodríguez on 09/05/2018.
Juan Sebastián Vallejo Rodríguez
Mind Map by Juan Sebastián Vallejo Rodríguez, updated more than 1 year ago
Juan Sebastián Vallejo Rodríguez
Created by Juan Sebastián Vallejo Rodríguez over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Intelligent Organizations
  1. Organizational Learning
    1. Means process or activity attainable academic orientation Inductive
      1. Theorical Orientation
    2. Learning Organization
      1. Idealized Form Easily lost due changes Deductive Conultancy oriented Quantitative research
        1. Action Oriented
          1. Wanted Behaviour
            1. Asking questions Suggesting ideas Taking risks Mistakes into learning Reflect and review Responsability in learning Admiting mistakes
        2. 3 main Blocks for a Learning Org.
          1. Supporting learnind Environment
            1. Open to ideas
              1. Appreciate differences
                1. Psychology safe
                  1. Time to reflect
                  2. Leadership that reinforces learning
                    1. By example
                      1. Inquiring
                        1. Outside of the box
                          1. Critical
                          2. Concrete Processes and Practices
                            1. Systematic and Specific
                              1. Measurable
                            2. Competitive Learning Organization
                              1. Adaptative enterprise that aligns itself to the major competitive forces and learning from them
                                1. 5 Forces
                                  1. Direction
                                    1. Strategic vision
                                    2. Efficiency
                                      1. Standarization and formalization of processes
                                      2. Proficiency
                                        1. High level of skill and Knowledge tasks
                                        2. Concentration
                                          1. Market Focusing
                                          2. Innovation
                                            1. New Things for clients
                                    3. Nonaka's Knowledge Creation
                                      1. Socialization
                                        1. Is how Tacit knowledge is shared
                                        2. Externalization
                                          1. From tacit to explicit knowledge
                                          2. Internalization
                                            1. New Knowledge based on previous combinaition
                                            2. Combination
                                              1. Putting together knowledge
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