

Contaduría Mind Map on Microeconomics, created by VIVIANA BEDOYA on 16/02/2020.
Mind Map by VIVIANA BEDOYA, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Viviana Mora
Created by Viviana Mora almost 5 years ago
Hernan Vargas
Copied by Hernan Vargas almost 5 years ago
Viviana Mora
Copied by Viviana Mora almost 5 years ago
Copied by VIVIANA BEDOYA almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

  1. what is microeconomics?
    1. Economy
      1. economics is the social science that is dedicated to studting how individuals manage the scare resources to meet their needs
        1. goods
          1. The goods are tangible items used to meet the needs
            1. Needs
              1. The needs are expression of what an individual requires indispensable for his subsistence and development
                1. Fundamental problems
                  1. What and how much to produce?
                    1. Logical options that meet social needs
                    2. How to produce?
                      1. Productive efficiency
                      2. For whom to produce?
                        1. Equity
                          1. Distributive efficiency in search of well-being
                          2. Productive factors
                            1. Ground
                                1. Natural resources
                              1. Capital
                                1. Human creation used for the production of goods and services
                                2. Job
                                    1. Human effort
                                3. Offer and Demand
                                  1. Offer - Sellers
                                    1. Focus on what is produced to sell
                                      1. Law offer: Higher price of goods and / or services, greater desire to sell
                                        1. The market equilibrium point
                                          1. The market equilibrium is reached when there is no lack or surplus and all needs can be met
                                    2. Demand - shoppers
                                      1. Focus on the desire to acquire and is willing to buy
                                        1. Demand Law: Price increase, demand decrease (desire to buy)
                                  2. Branch of:
                                  3. Macroeconomy
                                    1. Microeconomics
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                                      Contabilidad de Costos
                                      Código Fiscal de la Federación
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                                      Decreto 2420 de 14-12-2015
                                      MANUEL MONTERROZA
                                      Ley 43 de 1990
                                      stefhany laguna rodriguez
                                      El Contador Público del Siglo XXI
                                      AFECTACION DE CUENTAS DE MAYOR
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                                      SISTEMA DE COSTOS POR ORDENES DE PRODUCCIÓN
                                      CONTADURÍA PÚBLICA
                                      CONCEPTOS DE CONTADURIA
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