Importance of hygiene in hospitals


Magisterio (Educación) Mind Map on Importance of hygiene in hospitals, created by Ricardo Esteban Lozada Paladinez on 25/08/2020.
Ricardo Esteban Lozada Paladinez
Mind Map by Ricardo Esteban Lozada Paladinez, updated more than 1 year ago
Ricardo Esteban Lozada Paladinez
Created by Ricardo Esteban Lozada Paladinez over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Importance of hygiene in hospitals
  1. Good hygiene or cleanliness is a basic requirement for good health
    1. The infection can spread from one patient to another, from patient to doctor or nurse. A doctor or health care personnel can also infect a patient.
      1. The common diseases acquired and spread in a hospital are urinary tract infections, pneumonia, diarrhoea diseases and even chronic infections like tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS. Apart from this, skin diseases, common cold and cough can also be transmitted and acquired.
        1. Regarding part of the hospital it is very important to maintain very good hygiene. Every room should have good amount of sunlight as most of the disease producing germs present in the environment are killed by strong sunlight.
          1. As people become more aware of the need for good hygiene in the hospitals, these measures will become more effective. This will definitely reduce incidence of hospital acquired infections and ensure that sick individuals visiting the hospital do not get any infection.
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