

Mind Map on Cinderella, created by carcampos66 on 23/04/2015.
Mind Map by carcampos66, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by carcampos66 almost 10 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

  1. She have two uglys stepsister
    1. Cinderella doing all hard work in the house
      1. One day, Cinderella upstairs and downstairs because her stepsister going to the ball of the king´s only son
      2. She said: " I do wish i could go to the ball" and in this moment......
        1. "I'm your fairy godmother"
          1. Godmother touched them wit her wand and the pumpkin became a golden coach, the mice bcame six gray horses, the rat became a coachman.
          2. She find six lizards, a golden pumpkin and a whiskered.
            1. The godmother said: ¡ Cinderella at 12:00 p.m going your home, because the magic "bye bye" ¡
              1. 12:00 She ran on toward the golden coach. she lay at her feet, and scampering off down the road six gray mice.
                1. The king's only son went to the Cinderella's home with slipper and the her stepsister were measured of the slipper but this not him
                  1. And finally Cinderella measured of the slipper and the king's only asked Cindirella to marry him.
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