Life cycle of a butterfly


Mind Map on Life cycle of a butterfly, created by María Isabel Cristina Trujillo Marroquin on 09/03/2021.
María Isabel Cristina Trujillo Marroquin
Mind Map by María Isabel Cristina Trujillo Marroquin, updated more than 1 year ago
María Isabel Cristina Trujillo Marroquin
Created by María Isabel Cristina Trujillo Marroquin about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Life cycle of a butterfly
  1. Egg prosessiong from egg to adult takes about one month depending on temperature larvae conseme a lot of milkweed and grow so fast, they need to shed their skin five times before they pupate
    1. Larva monarch larvae transform into pupa, also know as a chrysalis. the pupa turn to a jade color with golg markings. the chrysalis becomes clear just prior to emergence
      1. Pupa monarch wings are folded in the chrysalis. the monarch must pump up ints wings using fluid stored in its abdomen. monarchs live from 2-5 weeks before reproducing and laying eggs of the next generation.
        1. Adult Adult monarchs lay one small egg on an individual milkweed plant. the egg is about the size of the period at the end of this sentence
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