Resource for third term plannings for 5TH grade about water on earth (hydrosphere) and fresh water and marine ecosystem. 14 weeks of planning with this
Land and water; the Hydrosphere, Different types of water in
our planet; the distribution of water on our planet and on land;
the water cycle; the importance of water for living things.
Characteristics of oceans, seas and lakes
Difference between fresh water and salt water; types of water in
Oceans, seas and lakes; effects of water conditions on living things;
ocean zones and diverse life forms; lakes and its living things; seas;
Ocean Currents and waves)
Theorize about usable water in the hydrsphere; Identify and communicate about bodies of
water;recognize and discuss ways to mitigate water problems; Students can research abd discuss
the worl's oceans; Compare adn debate environmental damage.
Education through values: respecting rules and caring for the
planet, Protection and conservation of resources, keeping water
clean; the Importance of water for fish resource in the economic world;
Language of
Using word focus (vocabulary building; use of nouns; adjectives and verbs in
common sentences; formulate and ask questions; recognize and use
common noun suffixes; recognize and deine latin and greek lingistic affixes;
write comprative sentences based on categorical differences; write and fill
in sentences using level vocabulary.
Describe the distribution of water on earth; analyze and describe characteristics
of oceans, seas and lakes; communicate evidence and conclusions of an
experiment; value water as a fundamental part of life.
Language for
Use of 4 Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading,
and Writing; Development of scientific skills