
LIFE COACHING (MOD 6) Mind Map on Improving TIME MANAGEMENT, created by wezzbox on 03/05/2013.
Mind Map by wezzbox, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by wezzbox over 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. It is essential the client clarifies his/her GOALS & VALUES
    1. ANY lack of clarity will result in wastage of time (and all other resources)
      1. The client will be at the bec and call of others and their agendas
      2. The OPTIMUM use of time must be used for these ends
        1. There will need to be a phasing out of all other activities
          1. This will probably mean several challenges in process of adjustment
            1. adopting new attitudes, habits, and behaviour
              1. tackling obstacles to change
            2. VALUES are what a person determines as important in his/her life
              1. They are the silent force behind a person's decisions and actions
                1. The goal of 'values clarification' is so that the client is fully aware of their influence on him/her, and to review what really matters in life
                  1. a person can be more SELF-DIRECTED & EFFECTIVE when he/she is clear about his/her values AND their priority order
                    1. When a person has identified their priorities, they can begin to set their GOALS
                      1. GOAL Selection: SMART
                        1. SPECIFIC
                          1. MEASURABLE
                            1. ACHIEVABLE
                              1. REALISTIC
                                1. TIMEBOUND
                                  1. IN LINE WITH VALUES
                            2. MONITORING USE OF TIME
                              1. Determine how time is actually used
                                1. Complete a TIME LOG
                                  1. A CONTEMPORANEOUS log works better than a RETROSPECTIVE log
                                    1. Log every waking moment
                                      1. Keeping a time log will increase workload temporarily, but provide tool for reducing it in the longer term
                                      2. It should be possible to spot patterns of time-wastage such as procrastination
                                  2. DETERMINING TASK PRIORITY
                                    1. Prioritise activities in terms of their URGENCY and IMPORTANCE
                                      1. URGENT issues require immediate attention
                                        1. IMPORTANT issues are personally meaningful
                                          1. use 'urgent / important matrix'
                                        2. PINPOINTING BLOCKS TO EMOTIONAL CHANGE
                                          1. such as guilt, fear, anxiety, low self-esteem, procrastination, etc.
                                            1. use 'let's assume... then what' questioning
                                          2. BECOMING BETTER ORGANISED
                                            1. Use of TO-DO lists
                                              1. Avoid time-wasting activities
                                              2. Each task given a priority and deadline
                                                1. If there are several tasks of equal priority, do the most unpleasant first
                                                  1. Finish one task before starting another
                                                    1. or you will flit between tasks and do each one suboptimally
                                                  2. Large tasks should be broken down
                                                  3. Making time for being 'creative' is not wasted, especially for a 'right brain' person
                                                    1. Take a few minutes at the end of each day to plan the next
                                                      1. Planning is a means to an end NOT AN END IN ITSELF
                                                      2. PRIME PERFORMANCE IN PRIME TIME
                                                        1. Find out when you work best
                                                          1. e.g 'night owl'
                                                            1. e.g. 'lark'
                                                              1. Do the most important and the most demanding jobs when you are at your best
                                                                1. Most people are most creative and have best concentration before 10am
                                                                2. INTERNAL PRIME-TIME = when you can concentrate and go all out on a task
                                                                  1. Let others know you do not wish to be disturbed, etc.
                                                                    1. shut your door, don't take calls
                                                                  2. EXTERNAL PRIME TIME = time for meetings with others etc.
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