Abel + Megan


Mind Map on Abel + Megan, created by Abel Cabrera on 02/04/2014.
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Abel Cabrera
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Abel Cabrera
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Abel Cabrera
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Abel Cabrera
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Abel Cabrera
Copied by Abel Cabrera almost 11 years ago
Abel Cabrera
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Abel Cabrera
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Abel Cabrera
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Abel Cabrera
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Abel Cabrera
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Abel Cabrera
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Abel Cabrera
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Abel Cabrera
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Abel Cabrera
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Abel Cabrera
Copied by Abel Cabrera almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Abel + Megan


  • Use the Note Area to cite sources of information you found. Click the upper right corner of the box to make the note pad appear, then type.
  1. Level 2: Sources Before 2010. In the bubbles below, record the main idea of each of the five articles we read for the discussion posts. Use dates in APA style.
    1. Different strengths based on gender.


      • Mead, Sara "The Truth About Boys and Girls" June 2006, Education Sector,  http://www.cpec.ca.gov/CompleteReports/ExternalDocuments/ESO_BoysAndGirls.pdf
      1. Girls excel in reading and writing.
        1. Boys excel in math and science.
        2. Girls are "shortchanged" from school to their professional careers.


          • Note the citation here - it is APA style.  The author's last name and the date of the article/book.  Then at the end, you would have a list of references in APA style that would include the name of the article/book - like what most of you did for your biography project.
          1. Absence of attention to girls.
            1. Women's wages are not consistent with men.
            2. Boys are academically struggling.


              • Unknown, "Boys are Struggling" USA Today  Dec 2009 http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/opinion/2004-12-02-boys-girls-academics_x.htm
              1. Low SAT scores.
                1. Not enough focus on reading/writing.
                2. Reading achievement of boys and girls


                  • http://www.cpec.ca.gov/CompleteReports/ExternalDocuments/ESO_BoysAndGirls.pdf
                  1. Graduation rates by gender/race.
                  2. Gender based education.


                    • Mead, Sara "The Problem with Gender-Based Education" NAF March 2008, http://www.newamerica.net/blog/early-ed-watch/2008/problem-gender-based-education-2517
                    1. Boys and girls learn at different rates
                  3. Level 2: Sources After 2010. Choose 5 of the 8 new articles I provided, or search the web for others. Any combination is also fine. In the bubbles below, record the main idea of each.
                    1. Helton, March 2014, says that boys are given more attention in science classes.


                      • Sparks, Sarah "Gender Gaps" Education Week Jan 2014, http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/curriculum/2014/03/study_science_teachers_inadver.html?cmp=ENL-CM-NEWS2
                      1. 5 male, 7 female teachers
                      2. Robelen, August 2013, says math anxiety can be prevented.


                        • Robelen, Erik "Math Anxiety" Aug 2013, http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/curriculum/2013/08/math_anxiety_gets_closer_look_.html?r=1649343940&qs=boys+and+girls
                        1. No gender distinction on exams.
                          1. Girls need more confidence in math to be successful.
                          2. Sparks, January 2014. Gap in higher education between males and females.


                            • Adams, Caralee "A Closer Look" Education Week Oct 2013, http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/college_bound/2013/10/a_closer_look_at_why_more_females_are_going_to_college.html?qs=girls+and+boys
                            1. 10% gap
                              1. Increasing incrementally.
                              2. Mead, March 2013. Gender composition and its consideration. Is it fair?


                                • Mead, Sara "Should We Care" Education Week March 2013, http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/sarameads_policy_notebook/2013/03/should_we_care_about_gender_composition_at_new_yorks_elite_public_schools.html?qs=girls+and+boys
                                1. Strength in numbers, but because of the low number, girls are not appreciated.
                                2. Segal, July 2013. "Luck" in exams.


                                  • Sparks, Sarah "Gender http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/reimagining/2013/07/The_SATs_Gender_Gap.html?qs=girls+and+boys
                                  1. Consistent gap in grade scores by gender.
                                3. Level 1: At least three connections go in bubbles on this level. What have you found to remain the same throughout both time periods (before 2010 and after 2010) concerning girls' and boys' ed? Write these connections in boxes/bubbles on this level.


                                  • Here is where you show evidence of your thinking. Connect the pieces about boys and girls' education that you have found to be the same in sources before 2010 (which we read for the discussions) and in sources you found dated after 2010.
                                  1. Gap in education
                                    1. Mead, Learning at different rates
                                      1. Adams, gap in results growing
                                      2. Girls are not "payed attention to"
                                        1. Mead, shortchanging girls
                                          1. Mead, strength in numbers
                                          2. Test Scores
                                            1. Boys' scores are consistently higher than that of girls.


                                              • Segal "Better to be Lucky Than Good..."
                                              1. Heavily based on math and science


                                                • Mead "Should We care about Gender Composition"
                                                1. Girls less likely to take exam based on life expectations, etc.
                                            2. Level 3: What differences in the updated information did you find? Compare articles dated after 2010 to those dated before 2010. Record at least three.
                                              1. Robelen says that girls' math scores can be improved with the removal of anxiety, when Mead explains that boys and girls learn at different rates.
                                                1. Social vs. skill
                                                2. Helton describes that there are more female teachers, while the "shortchange" article describes how women make less.
                                                  1. Level 4: Look at sources dated after 2010 that your group found for this week's discussion posts. On this level, show at least two likenesses (to the right) and two differences(to the left) you found as you studied these and ANY other works we have studied in the course. Cite your findings.
                                                    1. Amanda chapman points out that boys and girls are on the same level when they start school. By the time they graduate, girls are behind. Similar to Segal.


                                                      • Chapman, Amanda "Gender Bias" Critical Multicultural Pavillion.  http://www.edchange.org/multicultural/papers/genderbias.html
                                                      1. Heitin describes that Girls perform evenly with boys, unlike the data provided by Sparks.


                                                        • Heitin, Liana "U.S. Girls Perform..." Dec 2013,  http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/curriculum/2013/12/pisa_us_girls_perform_evenly_w.html
                                                        1. Kokemuller describes how girls can have more confidence, similar to Robelen, but it talks about the benefits of single gender classrooms
                                                          1. Confidence helps skill enhancement, assertiveness, etc.


                                                            • Kokemuller, Neil "What are the Benefits..." Synonym, http://classroom.synonym.com/benefits-girls-single-gender-classrooms-4517.html
                                                          2. Level 5: What conclusion(s) have you drawn about girls and boys' education as a result of synthesizing all you have read for this assignment?
                                                            1. Education is very closed minded in it's approach to labels.


                                                              • http://www.hereiswhereifound.com.  A notation needs to be on each of your bubbles in this area - support what you believe!  For example, you could refer to something in "Savage Inequalities", in which case you would write: (Kozol, 1991)
                                                              1. People are "white, male, with this much money"
                                                                1. Labels and categories seem to be the main focus.
                                                                  1. I'd rather hear about success in terms of whole schools, rather than subgroups.
                                                              2. Education is pessimistic.
                                                                1. No group should be labeled as "less than" others.
                                                                  1. "Why boys are struggling" is a great example of how not to talk about education.
                                                                2. Too much time is being wasted on worthless research.
                                                                  1. Where is the art focus?
                                                                    1. It's nice seeing graphs on a piece of paper, but how is creativity "tested"
                                                                  2. Azar describes that girls CHOOSE to not study math (higher ed). It is culture that affects the decision.


                                                                    • Azar, Beth "Math + Gender" American Psychological Association. July 2010 https://www.apa.org/monitor/2010/07-08/gender-gap.aspx
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