Components of Physical Fitness


Mind map definitions of physical fitness
Sam Benton
Mind Map by Sam Benton, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by luciwig88 over 9 years ago
Amber Owens
Copied by Amber Owens about 8 years ago
Sam Benton
Copied by Sam Benton about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Components of Physical Fitness
  1. Flexibility
    1. definition: the ability of the cardiorespiratory system to work efficiently, supplying nutrients and oxygen to working muscles during sustained physical activity.
    2. Speed
      1. definition: distance divided by the time taken. Speed is measured in metres per second (m/s). The faster an athlete runs over a given distance, the greater their speed
        1. Sports that require good sports could be :100m sprints , rugby and football
          1. Usain Bolt
      2. Muscular Strength
        1. definition: the maximum force (in kg or N) that can be generated by a muscle or muscle group.
        2. Cardiovascular Endurance
          1. definition: the ability of the cardiorespiratory system to work efficiently, supplying nutrients and oxygen to working muscles during sustained physical activity.
            1. Examples of sports that require good cardiovascular endurance could be , long distance running , rowing , netball and football matches
              1. Mo Farah
          2. Body Composition
            1. definition: the relative ratio of fat mass to fat-free mass (vital organs, muscle, bone) in the body.
              1. Ectomorph
                1. A person with a lean and delicate body figure
                  1. Useful in long distance events
                  2. Sports such as long distance running , high jump and gymnasts; this will enable them to perform at a higher ability for their specific sport
                    1. Long distance runner
                  3. Mesomorph
                    1. Build that is compact and muscular
                      1. Micheal Phelps
                        1. Sports that would require a mesomorph figure could be : swimming , sprinting and body builders , this makes it easier for them to achieve better in their sport
                      2. Endomorph
                        1. a person with a soft round build and a high proportion of fat
                    2. Muscular Endurance
                      1. definition: the ability of the muscular system to work efficiently, where a muscle can continue contracting over a period of time against a light to moderate fixed resistance load.
                        1. Examples of sports that require muscular endurance are : boxing , cycling and gymnastics (ring routines)
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