MR.Mohamed passing hard time


Medicine Mind Map on MR.Mohamed passing hard time, created by shaikha mohamed alzaabi on 29/09/2017.
shaikha mohamed alzaabi
Mind Map by shaikha mohamed alzaabi , updated more than 1 year ago
shaikha mohamed alzaabi
Created by shaikha mohamed alzaabi about 7 years ago

Resource summary

MR.Mohamed passing hard time
  1. Systems in measurement
    1. What causes chest pain?
      1. Heart problems
        1. Lung problems
          1. Gastrointestinal Problems
            1. Bone, Muscle, or Nerve Problems
              1. Bone, Muscle, or Nerve Problems
                1. Rib problems, muscle strain, shingles
                2. GERD, peptic ulcers
                3. Pneumonia, pleuritis, pneumothorax, and asthma
                4. Bone, Muscle, or Nerve Problems
              2. angina
                1. What is angina ?
                  1. is chest pain or discomfort caused when your heart muscle doesn't get enough oxygen-rich blood. It may feel like pressure or squeezing in your chest. The discomfort also can occur in your shoulders, arms, neck, jaw, or back. Angina pain may even feel like indigestion.
                  2. Pathogeneses of angina
                    1. Types
                      1. stable angina
                        1. variant angina
                          1. Unstable angina
                            1. is characterized by increasingly frequent pain, precipitated by progressively less exertion or even occurring at rest.
                            2. occurs at rest and is caused by coronary artery spasm
                            3. is predictable episodic chest pain associated with particular levels of exertion or some other increased demand (
                          2. Risk factors
                            1. Age Family history of premature coronary artery disease or stroke Lipid abnormalities Smoking tobacco , hypertension, diabetes mellitus Subtract 1 from the total number o f risk factors if HDL> 60 mg/dL.
                            2. Emergency
                              1. Morphine Oxygen [2] Nitrate Aspirin
                              2. Pharmacological
                                1. Atenolol (50mg)
                                  1. used alone or in combination with other medications to treat high blood pressure.
                                    1. B-Blocker - relaxing blood vessels and slowing heart rate to improve blood flow and decrease blood pressure
                                      1. Side effects
                                        1. shortness of breath swelling of the hands, feet, ankles, or lower legs weight gain fainting Drowsiness and tiredness depression
                                          1. Orally taken - One tablet daily
                                    2. Isosorbide dinitrate (10mg)
                                      1. is used to prevent angina (chest pain) caused by coronary artery disease.
                                        1. not work fast enough to relieve the pain of an angina attack that has already started.
                                          1. dinitrate belongs to the group of medicines called nitrates.
                                            1. When used regularly on a long-term basis, this helps prevent angina attacks from occurring.
                                      2. Aspirin (150mg)
                                        1. used to prevent heart attacks in people who have had a heart attack in the past or who have angina
                                          1. used to reduce the risk of death in people who are experiencing or who have recently experienced a heart attack.
                                            1. side effect
                                              1. Nausea, vomiting stomach pain, heartburn Hives and rash swelling of the eyes, face, lips, tongue, or throat wheezing or difficulty breathing
                                                1. It works by stopping the production of certain natural substances that cause fever, pain, swelling, and blood clots.
                                          2. Glyceryl trinitrate (GTN)
                                            1. sublingual tablets are used to treat episodes of angina (chest pain) in people who have coronary artery disease.
                                              1. used just before activities that may cause episodes of angina in order to prevent the angina from occurring.
                                                1. Nitroglycerin is in a class of medications called vasodilators.
                                                  1. side effect
                                                    1. dry mouth rash, blistering, or peeling of the skin Hives, itching difficulty breathing or swallowing Nausea, vomiting
                                                      1. It works by relaxing the blood vessels so the heart does not need to work as hard and therefore does not need as much oxygen.
                                          3. Myocardial infarction
                                            1. Types
                                              1. s&s
                                                1. Microscopic features
                                                  1. Complications-
                                                    1. ventricular tachycardia
                                                      1. s a type of regular and fast heart rate that arises from improper electrical activity in the ventricles of the heart.
                                                      2. shock
                                                      3. Risk factors
                                                        1. Age Smoking High BP High cholesterol or triglycerides level (LDL) Diabetes Family history Lack of physical activity Obesity stress Illegal drug use A history of preeclampsia History of autoimmune condition (rheumatoid arthritis or lupus)
                                                        2. Treatment of mi- surgical
                                                          1. Coronary angioplasty
                                                            1. is a procedure used to open clogged heart arteries. Angioplasty involves temporarily inserting and inflating a tiny balloon where your artery is clogged to help widen the artery
                                                              1. Complications include (Red flags):
                                                                1. Signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, drainage or fever There's a change in temperature or color of the leg or arm that was used for the procedure You feel faint or weak You develop chest pain or shortness of breath
                                                          2. Investigations
                                                            1. ECG
                                                              1. Lipid profile
                                                                1. Chest x-ray
                                                                  1. Blood tests
                                                                    1. Echocardiogram
                                                                      1. Coronary angiography
                                                                        1. Biomarkers: CK Ck-MB C-Troponin I Lactate dehydrogenase Myoglobin
                                                                      2. anatomy
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