The human nervous system


Mind Map on The human nervous system, created by E. Kropp on 26/11/2017.
E. Kropp
Mind Map by E. Kropp, updated more than 1 year ago
E. Kropp
Created by E. Kropp almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

The human nervous system
  1. central nervous system (CNS)
    1. brain
      1. spinal cord
      2. peripheral nervous system (PNS)
        1. automatic nervous system (ANS)
          1. sympathetic nervous system
            1. parasympathetic nervous system
            2. voluntary nervous system (VNS)
              1. sensory neurons
                1. motor neurons
              2. From stimulus to reaction
                1. stimulus
                  1. sensor
                    1. sensory neurons
                      1. CNS
                        1. motor neurons
                          1. effector
                            1. reaction
                2. Neuron structure and conduction process (1-6)
                  1. 1. dendrites
                    1. 2. cell body (soma)
                      1. cell organelles (neucleus...)
                        1. 3. axon hillock
                          1. 4. axon
                            1. insulating sheath
                              1. 5. synaptic terminal
                                1. 6. synapse
                                  1. other neurons
                                    1. gland cells
                                      1. muscle cells
                                        1. A. AP reaches synaptic terminal. Synaptic vesicles fuse with cell membrane.
                                          1. B. Synaptic vesicles release neurotransmitter into synaptic cleft.
                                            1. C. Neurotransmitter binds to receptor (target cell)
                                              1. D. An electrical impulse is triggered (auslösen).
                                                1. E. Neurotransmitter is recycled in the synaptic terminal.
                                                2. Neurotransmitter = Botenstoffe
                                            2. Neurotoxin
                                              1. nicotine
                                                1. botox
                                                  1. flying agaric (Fliegenpilz), deadly nightshade (Tollkirsche)
                                                    1. black widow spider bite
                                                2. saltatory conduction
                                                  1. continous conduction
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