Arthropoda Table 1


Invertebrate Lab for College level Animal Biology within Wisconsin ecosystems.
Ribby Green
Mind Map by Ribby Green, updated more than 1 year ago
Ribby Green
Created by Ribby Green almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Arthropoda Table 1
  1. Hexapoda
    1. Insecta
      1. Plecoptera
        1. Stonefly
        2. Odonata
          1. Damselflies
            1. Dragonflies
            2. Pthiraptera
              1. Pthirius Pubis
                1. Crab Louse
                2. Hemiptera
                  1. True Bug
                    1. Cicada
                      1. Aphid
                      2. Coleoptera
                        1. Beetles
                        2. Lepidoptera
                          1. Moth
                            1. Butterfly
                        3. Myriapoda
                          1. Diplopoda
                            1. Millipede
                            2. Chilopoda
                              1. Centipede
                            3. Crustacea
                              1. Lobster
                                1. Cambaurus
                                  1. Shrimp
                                    1. Acorn Barnacles
                                      1. Pill Bug
                                        1. Cyclops
                                          1. Marine Isopod
                                            1. Fiddler Crab
                                              1. Hermit Crab
                                                1. Oaphria
                                                  1. Branchinecta
                                                    1. Gammarus
                                                    2. Chelicerata
                                                      1. Merostomata
                                                        1. Horseshoe Crab
                                                        2. Arachnida
                                                          1. Scorpion
                                                            1. Mite
                                                              1. Black widow
                                                                1. Tarantula
                                                                  1. Daddy Long-Leg
                                                                    1. Garden Spider
                                                                      1. Wood Tick
                                                                        1. Ixodes
                                                                          1. Dermacento
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