Cardiac Arrhythmias


Overview of the common cardiac arrhythmias
Louis Darby
Mind Map by Louis Darby, updated more than 1 year ago
Louis Darby
Created by Louis Darby about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Cardiac Arrhythmias
  1. Supraventricular arrhythmias
    1. Atrial Fibrillation
      1. Ax: Cardiac : IHD / Valve disease / HTN Metabolic: Thyrotoxicosis, alcohol binge, electrolyte abnormalities
        1. Sx: Palpitations / syncope / SOB
          1. Dx: ECG - absent P waves / O/E - irregularly irregular pulse
            1. Management
              1. Acute AF
                1. <48 hours: 1. Rate control 2. TOE 3. No thrombus -> DC / chemical cardioversion NB: if CV score is >=2 then Heparin at the same time.
                  1. Haemodynamically Unstable: Immediate DC cardioversion
                    1. Chemical cardioversion - flecainide / amiodarone
                    2. >48 hours: 1. Rate control 2. TOE 3. No thrombus then heparin until ApTT 45-60 then cardiovert NB: if CV score >=2 then anticoag for 3-4 weeks first
                      1. TOE: Evidence of thrombus - anticoag for 3-4 weeks then cardiovert
                      2. Chronic AF
                        1. Rate control (elderly / permenant AF) - B-blockers and Non-DHP CCB. Heart failure? - use digoxin and amiodarone
                          1. Rhythm control (young / paroxysmal / persistent AF / symptomatic) - Flecainide / amiodarone then catheter ablation
                          2. CHADSVASC score
                            1. Need for anticoagulation - post cardioversion needed for up to 4 weeks
                        2. Atrial Flutter
                          1. Supraventricular atrial tachycardia. Re-entrant cycle set up - 300bpm but normally 2:1 block from AVN
                            1. Sx: Syncope / palpitations / SOB
                              1. Dx: ECG - saw tooth pattern. Carotid sinus / adenosine to help diagnosis
                                1. Ax: Atrial abnormalities incl. AF / thyrotoxicosis / alcoholism / chronic lung conditions
                                  1. Treatment
                                    1. Rate control - B-blockers and non-DHP CCBs
                                      1. Rhythm control - DC synchronised cardioversion (50J) / Catheter ablation
                                        1. Needs anticoagulation beforehand / After? - CHADSVASC
                                    2. AV Node re-entrant tachycardia
                                      1. Re-entrant cycle set up within AVN
                                        1. Tx: Vasotonic manoeuvres / break re-entrant cycle - IV adenosine / DC synchronised cardioversion (50J)
                                        2. Accessory pathway re-entrant tachycardia
                                          1. WPW syndrome - accessory pathway that allows impulse to reach ventricles faster
                                            1. Sx: Sudden palpitations / syncope / SOB
                                              1. WPW + AF - extremely dangerous and can cause VF - DC cardioversion
                                              2. Dx: ECG - delta wave and short PR interval
                                                1. Long term tx: Rate control - BBs and CCBs / catheter ablation
                                              3. Ventricular arrhythmias
                                                1. Ventricular Fibrillation (VF)
                                                  1. Rapid ventricular rhythm that doesn't allow ventricles to contract properly
                                                    1. Causes - IHD / R on T (ventricular ectopics) / long QT
                                                      1. Monomorphic / polymorphic (Torsades)
                                                        1. ALS Algorithm - shockable rhythm
                                                        2. Ventricular Tachycardia
                                                          1. Ventricular rhythm >100bpm
                                                            1. Ax: Re-entry loop - damaged heart / triggered automaticity - damaged heart / digoxin
                                                              1. ALS guidelines 1) Not stable - shockable 2) Stable - ABCDE and correct causes
                                                              2. Ventricular Ectopics
                                                                1. Ax: Idopathic - harmless in those with normal hearts Precipitant - caffeine / alcohol / digoxin | Post-MI / heart damage / digoxin
                                                                  1. Harmless ectopics often disappear with exercise
                                                                  2. Dx: ECG - premature ventricular beats (can appear as bigeminy / trigeminy
                                                                    1. Sx: Skipped beat feeling
                                                                      1. Tx: Nothing / remove precipitants / rate control with B-blockers if symptomatic
                                                                        1. Anti-arrhythmics NOT used - increase risk of death
                                                                    2. Atrioventricular Block
                                                                      1. First degree block: PR >0.2 seconds
                                                                        1. Physiological
                                                                        2. Second degree block
                                                                          1. Mobitz I: Wenkebach phenomenon - increasing PR till drop of QRS complex
                                                                            1. Ax: May by physiological / underlying heart condition
                                                                            2. Mobitz II: PR interval constant but intermittent loss of QRS complex (2:1 / 3:1 block)
                                                                              1. Ax: Always pathological - damage to conducting fibres e.g. post MI
                                                                                1. Pacemaker required
                                                                              2. Third degree block - Complete block
                                                                                1. Complete dissociation between P waves and QRS complexes
                                                                                  1. Tx: Transient - Atropine / stop Digoxin. Permenant - Pacemaker needed
                                                                                    1. Ax: May be transient post- MI (atropine) / permenant - Inferior MI (damage to AVN)
                                                                                      1. Sx: Depends on location of escape beat 1. Above bundle = mild Sx and narrow QRS 2. In bundle = severe Sx and wide QRS
                                                                                    2. Bundle branch block
                                                                                      1. RBBB
                                                                                        1. Ax: Physiological / new-onset may be anterior MI related
                                                                                          1. Dx: ECG - M sign in right sided leads (V1/V2) / wide QRS
                                                                                          2. LBBB
                                                                                            1. Ax: Always pathological e.g MI / HTN / valve disease
                                                                                              1. Dx: ECG - M sign in left sided ant. leads (V5/V6) / wide QRS
                                                                                                1. Hemifasicular block
                                                                                                  1. LBB divides into anterior and posterior hemifasciles
                                                                                                    1. Damage causes change in axis
                                                                                                2. Drug toxicity
                                                                                                  1. Digoxin
                                                                                                    1. Normal action: Reduce heart rate (slows AV transmission) / increases contractility by decreasing repolarisation time
                                                                                                      1. Used for patients with HF to reduce oedema
                                                                                                        1. Works by inhibiting the NaKATPase pump
                                                                                                        2. Toxicity
                                                                                                          1. Ax: Overdose/ Renal impairment / electrolyte abnormalities - hypokalaemia / low Mg / Drugs - CCBs / amiodarone
                                                                                                            1. Sx: Confusion / weakness / syncope / palpitations / N&V and abdo pain / yellow haze
                                                                                                              1. ECG: Increase PR / PVCs / scooped ST segment
                                                                                                          2. Long QT syndrome
                                                                                                            1. Ax: Congenital - genetic mutation in Na+ / K+ channels. Acquired - hypocalcaemia / hypokalaemia / low Mg / SAH
                                                                                                              1. Dx: ECG - long QTc / U&Es
                                                                                                                1. Sx: Cardiac arrest / syncope
                                                                                                                  1. Torsades de pointes - polymorphic VT that can go into VF / treat with Magnesium sulphate and defib
                                                                                                                  2. Tx: Remove or correct precipitants, ICD
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