Nucleophilic substitution


Mind Map on Nucleophilic substitution, created by jasmin.sahota on 01/06/2013.
Mind Map by jasmin.sahota, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jasmin.sahota over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Nucleophilic substitution
  1. nucleophile
    1. are reagents that attack and form bonds with electron deficient carbons
      1. usually a negatively charged ion
        1. or a partially negative atom
          1. has a lone pair of electrons
            1. used to make a covalent bond
            2. common nucleophiles
              1. :OH-
                1. :NH3
                  1. :CN-
                2. rules
                  1. curly arrow
                    1. goes from electrons to +
                      1. goes from bond to atom
                        1. rate of reaction
                          1. increases as you go down the group
                            1. as bond strength decreases
                        2. for the hydroxide ion, :OH-
                          1. take place at room temperature
                            1. called a hydrolysis reaction
                              1. add ethanol
                                1. an alcohol is formed
                                2. with cyanide ions, :CN-
                                  1. you get a nitrile
                                    1. has one extra carbon
                                    2. with ammonia, :NH3
                                      1. used with excess conc solution of ammonia in ethanol
                                        1. carried out under pressure
                                          1. produces a primary amine, RNH2
                                            1. H's have +
                                              1. N has a -
                                                1. add 2 NH3's
                                                  1. end up with NH4X
                                                    1. one of the H's becomes +
                                                    2. uses of nucleophilic substitution
                                                      1. primary amine
                                                        1. secondary amine
                                                          1. tertiary amine
                                                        2. alcohol
                                                          1. aldehyde
                                                            1. carboxylic acid
                                                          2. nitriile
                                                            1. primary amine
                                                              1. carboxylic acid
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