

MIS Mind Map on Processes, created by Thomas Abraham on 02/04/2018.
Thomas Abraham
Mind Map by Thomas Abraham, updated more than 1 year ago
Thomas Abraham
Created by Thomas Abraham over 6 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Scope
    1. Workgroup
      1. Silo
      2. Enterprise
        1. CRM
          1. ERP
            1. Vendors?
            2. EAI
              1. Challenges?
              2. Inter-enterprise
              3. Structured
                1. Standard
                  1. Formal
                    1. Sales/Payroll/Inventory
                    2. Dynamic
                      1. Changing
                        1. Collaboration
                          1. Engagement
                            1. Social Media IS
                          2. Quality
                            1. Efficiency
                              1. Effectiveness
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                              Coastal Management- Hard Engineering
                              Laura Mata
                              37. Four Ways to be Creative
                              Lisbeth Ramirez
                              Transportation Processes
                              Alex Collins
                              Wave Cut Platforms
                              Zaza Brotzel
                              Metals Revision Cards
                              Charlotte Walker
                              Types of Manufacturing Processes
                              Managing Information Systems
                              Clair Hat
                              Rivers-Fluvial Landforms & Processes
                              Lucy Monger
                              Media Literacy (Technology Fluency & Fluidity)
                              Melissa Perry
                              Manufacturing Technology I
                              Marissa Gotsell