Increasing your Retail Sales


A Mind Map outlining the key areas to focus on in order to increase your sales. It distills the main elements of a sales funnel - awareness and conversion - and shows the types of tactives retail store owners can employ to ensure that they generate maximum sales volumes.
Lisa Holmes
Mind Map by Lisa Holmes, updated more than 1 year ago
Lisa Holmes
Created by Lisa Holmes over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Increasing your Retail Sales
  1. Awareness
    1. Online Promotions
      1. Facebook
        1. Google Adwords
        2. Online Reviews
          1. Email Lists
            1. Storefront Visibility
              1. Events
              2. Conversion
                1. Store Layout
                  1. Good ambiance
                    1. Promoted Products on view
                      1. Change layout regularly
                      2. In-Store Sales Techniques
                        1. Closing the Sale
                          1. Upsell and Cross Sell
                          2. Repeat Sales
                            1. Loyalty Promotions
                              1. VIP Sales events
                              2. Promotions
                                1. Seasonal Offers
                                  1. Packaged Offers
                                2. After Sales
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