Some jobs in many
industry's have
disappeared as
technology has
improved therefore
meaning computer can
do the jobs.
Jobs that are boring and repetitive
have been replaced by robots. this
also makes the work being done
more reliable.
Jobs in hostile environments have
been taken over by computer so that
the jobs are not costing lives.
Office style jobs like typists
and filing clerks are being
replaced by technology as its
more efficient.
Fewer people are working at
supermarkets as the jobs there like
the checkouts are been taken over by
technology. Customers are able to
scan their food quicker on their own
therefore taking away peoples jobs.
Fewer people are working in banks
as ATM's are doing all the jobs
original bank staff would do.
However it has created jobs for some people like computer
programmers/engineers, system analyst, ICT technician, network
technician, hardware designer, website designer and a database
Changes in a Workplace
More often in the workplace now mobile phones are
being used to communicate. This is because they can
be used wherever whenever which people no longer
have to be in an office to be communicated.
Email is used a lot more in the workplace as its
quick and easy. If copies of a document need to
be sent to another office, they can be sent
using a fax machine.
More employees are working over time as unfinished work
online and on a laptop can be taken home and completed.
Buying or ordering goods and materials can be done online over the internet instead of sending an
order through the post or having to visit a shop or warehouse.
Ict in the Workplace - Retraining
The technology today is always changing so
the staff need to be trained to use the new
equipment and software.
Their skills in ICT need to be up to date.
Training can be done on the
internet or on interactive CD's.
However if the training is CD's the
employee can take their education
into their own hands and earn at
home rather than going and
travelling to college.
The companies
must offer the
education so that
their company can
be more
Some companies produce their own computer assisted
learning software which gives the staff the relivent
information for them to carry out the right work.
An increasing number of people are working from home and using ICT methods to communicate
with their place of business. This is called teleworking and involves the use of email, the internet and
fax machines.
Flexible hours
No time wasted travelling to the work place.
No travel expense
Less need for office space
or facilities, such as a
Distractions at home
Less social interaction
More isolation with workers
Difficulties for management in checking
whether work is being properly carried out.