

Where does it lie?
Sarah Stamps-butts
Mind Map by Sarah Stamps-butts, updated more than 1 year ago
Sarah Stamps-butts
Created by Sarah Stamps-butts over 6 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Definitions
    1. Leaving one group and being alone.
      1. University Definitions
        1. David Strachan-Morris (University of Leicester)-The ultimate power to make decisions.
          1. Security
          2. Emma from Student Recruitment (University of London-Goldsmiths). A right for people to control the government.
            1. (University of Aberystwyth)- Individual or body has supreme authority to make decisions in.
            2. The full right and power of the governing body to govern without interference from outside agencies.(In search of sovereignty podcast).
              1. That means no other power or individual or government or entity anywhere else on the planet can supersede the actions of the rulers or ruling body of that sovereign state.
                1. Old fashioned, divisive and confusing (Joe Queenan).
              2. The supreme authority to enact laws.
                1. The right not to be interfered with by other states.
                2. Infiltrate
                  1. Catalonia
                    1. Spanish citizens have an issue with Catalonians wishing to seek independence
                    2. Canada (Quebec)
                      1. French speaking Canadians have been in search for independence for decades.
                      2. Basque
                        1. Basque is a region that straddles the Western Pyranees in adjacent parts of Northern Spain and Southwestern France
                          1. Linguistically, Basque is unrelated to the other language of Europe and to any other known living language.
                            1. The Basques are indigenous to, and primarily inhabit, the Basque country
                              1. 93.2%(700,300) are in the Spanish area of the Basque Country and the remaining 6.8%(51,200) are in the French portion.
                            2. Also...
                              1. california
                                1. the American state has expressed a desire to leave the United States (US).
                                2. Kurds
                                  1. Between 25 and 35 Million Kurds inhabit a mountainous region straddling the borders of Turkey, Iaq, Syria, Iran, and Armenia
                                    1. They make up the Fourth-largest Ethnic group in the Middle-East.
                                      1. They have NEVER obtained a permanent Nation State.
                                    2. The Cornish
                                    3. Macedonia
                                      1. They are a regional and historical population group of ethnic Greeks, inhabitingor originating mainly from the Greek region of Macedonia, in Nortehrn Greece.
                                    4. Origins
                                      1. French jurist/lawyer, Jean Bodin first wrote the word Sovereignty in the 16th Century
                                        1. Bodin and other scholars believe the term has Greek and Roman roots.
                                          1. DEMOKRATIA
                                            1. IMPERIUM (authority to supremely command.)
                                              1. From Latin words such as Empire.
                                          2. Autonomia (state sovereignty) can be traced to the Peace Ttreatrety of Westphalia in 1648 that ended the European continents 30 year war that had cost 8 million lives.
                                            1. autonomous individual states.
                                            2. The word came from Old French (SOVERAIN). It then developed into SOVEREINETE.
                                              1. It then became adapted into English (SOVEREIGN).
                                                1. In Late English it became SOVEREIGNTY
                                            3. Within the UK, sovereignty is based on Nationalism.
                                              1. The traditional British constitutional concept of sovereignty is the interaction of 3 great sovereignties, THE ROYAL SOVEREIGNY, THE LEGAL SOVEREIGNTY OF PARLIAMENT and the SOVEREIGNTY OF THE PEOPLE.
                                                1. The last is the greatest!
                                              2. Brexit
                                                1. Brexit SUPPORTERS argues that the EU threatens sovereignty and stifles growth.
                                                  1. Opponents counter that EU membership strengthens trade, investment, and the UKs standing in the world.
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