The Amazing Life of Resources


resource for first term plannings for 3rd grade about Types of resources and waste and healthy diet. 14 weeks of planning with this
Ana Karina Yepes Gomez
Mind Map by Ana Karina Yepes Gomez, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Ana Karina Yepes Gomez
Created by Ana Karina Yepes Gomez about 6 years ago
Ana Karina Yepes Gomez
Copied by Ana Karina Yepes Gomez about 6 years ago

Resource summary

The Amazing Life of Resources
  1. Content
    1. Natural and Artificial Resources
      1. Agricultural Resources; Forestry Resources; Fishing Resources; Water Resources; Livestock Resources; Mining Resources;
      2. Waste
        1. Biodegradable waste; non biodegradable waste; Organic waste; Inroganic waste
        2. Protection of resources
          1. Appropriate use of Resources; 3R Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
          2. Food
            1. A Healthy diet and Handling food
          3. Cognition
            1. Clasify and identify resources; Classify and Identify waste; Know measures on how toprotect resources; Identify healthy food habits an hygiene.
            2. Culture
              1. Education through values: Resecting the environment
              2. Communication
                1. Language of learning
                  1. Use of word focus (Vocabulary building); classify elements, Draw conclusions,Make descriptions with the use of adjectives, spelling bee activities, present simple senteces.
                  2. Language through learning
                    1. Identify and make descriptions about natural resources make presentation about the natural resources of various countries; Identify safe ways to dispose waste; cathegorize foods by their healtbenefits
                    2. Language for learning
                      1. 4 skills: Listening, writing, reading, speaking; Use diagrams to communicate ideas, explanations and observations
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