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Alternating currents and Oscilloscopes


GCSE AS PHYSICS (Chapter 6- Alternating Currents ) Mind Map on Alternating currents and Oscilloscopes, created by Clodagh Mullins on 02/12/2014.
Clodagh Mullins
Mind Map by Clodagh Mullins, updated more than 1 year ago
Clodagh Mullins
Created by Clodagh Mullins about 10 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Alternating currents and Oscilloscopes
  1. Alternating Currents
    1. Constantly changing direction
      1. frequency =number cycles completed per second/Hz
        1. 1/time period
        2. The time period- time taken to complete 1 cycle
          1. Peak values- maximum values of V0 and I0
            1. RMS value- root mean square value are the d.c equivalent of an a.c value- same power Is dissipated
              1. rms value =peak value divided by the square root of two
            2. Oscilloscopes
              1. dot on screen created by beam of electrons
                1. X plates move the dot horizontally - connected to the time base circuit - calibrated to time per centimetre
                  1. y plates move the dot vertically
                    1. proportional to p.d
                      1. p.d connected to y plates via y input
                        1. y input calibrated to volts per division
                          1. sometimes calibration is referred to as the y sensitivity or y-gain
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