John Green Crash Course


Mind Map on John Green Crash Course, created by BENJAMIN WELLS on 03/12/2014.
Mind Map by BENJAMIN WELLS, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by BENJAMIN WELLS about 10 years ago

Resource summary

John Green Crash Course
  1. The Roman Republic
    1. People say that Senators killed Julius Caesar because he was going to destroy the Roman Republic
      1. By 44 BC, many senators decided that Caesar ruled too much of the power in Rome
        1. As a result, Caesar was killed
      2. One of the things that made the Roman republic endure in reality and imagination was it's balance
        1. Three kinds of government were found to be united in Rome
          1. We still don't know what form of government Rome had
        2. At the time of the Republic, the people were divided into Patricians and Plebeians
          1. The job of the senate was to set policy for the consuls
            1. The senate would choose among two Co-Consuls to be the Chief Executives of Rome
              1. There had to be two consuls so that they could check each others ambition and so that they could each do things independently at the same time
                1. When a Consul's term was up, they couldn't serve again for at least 10 years
                  1. A consul had a 1 year term
                2. Romans also had a dictator, a person who would take over in the event that the republic was in eminent danger
                  1. Julius Caesar was born around 100 BC to one of Rome's leading families
                    1. After being a general for some time, Caesar ran for consul
                      1. Caesar finally became consul in 59 BC
                        1. After a year of being Consul, Caesar landed the Governership of southern Gaul which he quickly took control of as well as the four Legions
                          1. While Caesar was away, Pompey was elected Consul and restricted Caesar from re-entering Rome
                            1. Caesar however did break the restriction and was in total control of Rome in 48 BC being named both dictator and consul for life
                              1. Caesar provided land for his soldiers, structured debts for Roman debt people, and modified the calendar so that it looks like the one we use today
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