Conservation of Biodiversity


AS level Enviromental Science Mind Map on Conservation of Biodiversity, created by Kieran C on 27/04/2019.
Kieran C
Mind Map by Kieran C, updated more than 1 year ago
Kieran C
Created by Kieran C almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Conservation of Biodiversity
  1. The Importance of Biodiversity
    1. Global biodiversity is the variety and abundance of life on Earth
      1. The life on Earth provides a range of ecological life-support services as well as resources that we exploit
        1. Sustainable development and conservation are required to maintain access to there resources
      2. Resources
        1. Wood
          1. Used in the manufacture of buildings, tools and furniture
          2. Fibres
            1. Cotton, wool, paper, silk,rayon
            2. Oils
              1. Vegetable and animal oils are used in foods, lubricants and soaps
              2. Fuels
                1. Wood, charcoal, alcohol, vegetable oils
                2. Food
                  1. Plants, animals, algae and fungi
                3. New Food Species
                  1. Few of the known plant/animal species are used for food.
                    1. Some of these animals/plants are kept in habitats they are not adapted to, this reduces productivity
                    2. Indigenous species are usually better adapted than introduced species, to local conditions, giving them higher survival rates
                      1. Example of conditions include: Climate, pests and soil conditions
                        1. Selective breeding may be needed to enhance desirable features
                        2. Plants species that have potential for commercial cultivation
                          1. Potato Bean of North America
                            1. High protein content
                            2. Morama Bean from dry areas of southern Africa
                              1. Protein content similar to soya and is drought resistant
                              2. Yeheb Tree from Somalia
                                1. Produces edible nuts, is drought resistant and can grow in poor soils
                                2. Spinach
                                  1. Many species of spinach can grow in soils with high salt content.
                                    1. Could be used in breeding programs to increase the salt tolerance of other crops in areas where irrigation has caused soil salinisation
                                  2. Perennial variety of Maize from Mexico
                                    1. Perennial means it grows year on year, so you do not need to buy new seeds
                                      1. Also reduces the need to plough which reduces the risk of soil erosion
                                    2. Kernza
                                      1. Perennial, so has similar advantages to perennial maize
                                    3. Animal species investigated for domestic farming
                                      1. E.g. American Bison, Common Eland, Common Ostrich, Cane Rats, Emu and Giant Land Snails
                                  3. Biomimetics
                                    1. The use of knowledge of adaptations of other species, to improve the design of manufactured goods
                                      1. Transport Design
                                        1. Splayed wingtip feathers of birds help reduce turbulence and drag.
                                          1. Aircraft's copy this to improve fuel efficiency
                                          2. Humpback whale flippers have tubercles (bumps) to channel water flow, increasing hydrodynamic efficiency allowing them to turn tighter
                                            1. Now been applied to ship rudders and aerogenerator blades
                                              1. Ships can now turn tighter, and aerogenerators need a lower wind speed to spin
                                          3. Infection Control
                                            1. Bacteria doesn't stick easily to shark skin
                                              1. A coating that imitates shark skin is used in hospital operating theatres to help control bacterial infection
                                            2. Architecture
                                              1. The mounds that termites construct above ground, become hot and causes the hot air inside to rise. This draws out stale air at lower parts and creates a solar-driven ventilation system
                                                1. This system has been adopted by shopping centres and office blocks to eliminate the need for air conditioning units
                                              2. Adhesion
                                                1. The toes of gecko lizards have pads that provide strong adhesion
                                                  1. Attempts are being made to replicate this to eliminate the need for glue
                                                  2. Some seeds have burs with hooks to stick to fur of animals, this aids seed dispersal
                                                    1. Velcro copy's this tactic
                                                    2. Lotus flowers have water repelling features
                                                      1. This has been copied in self-cleaning glass
                                                    3. Materials
                                                      1. Some natural materials have properties that can be applied to the manufacture of synthetic materials
                                                        1. The lightweight, strong, flexible silk produced by spiders in use to create airbags and body armour
                                                      2. Medicines
                                                        1. Plants produce toxins to protect themselves from predators, these toxins in carful amounts can be used as medicines for humas
                                                          1. Poppies
                                                            1. Cultivate to produce painkillers like morphine and codeine
                                                            2. Willow Trees
                                                              1. Bark was originally used to create Asprin. Now created synthetically
                                                              2. Yew Tree
                                                                1. Taxol is extracted and used to treat a range of cancers (Breast, ovarian, lung, bladder and prostate)
                                                                2. Caribbean Tropical Marine Sponge
                                                                  1. The drug AZT was discovered in it. Used to treat HIV/AIDS
                                                                  2. Shark Blood
                                                                    1. Drug AD 114 is being tested as a cure for fibrosis of the lungs, based on antibody in shark blood
                                                                  3. Physiological Research
                                                                    1. Marsupials give birth at a very early stage, their young are then left to develop in mothers pouch
                                                                      1. Easier to study marsupials young than a human of the same age in mothers womb
                                                                      2. Hippopotamus skin secretes hipposudoric acid which is a natural sunscreen and antimicrobial agent
                                                                        1. Being researched to help improve the treatment of burns victims
                                                                    2. Pest Control Species
                                                                      1. A wide range of predators, herbivores, parasites and pathogens are used to control argricultural pests
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