

Emails advantages and disadvantages
Ileesha Desilva
Mind Map by Ileesha Desilva, updated more than 1 year ago
Ileesha Desilva
Created by Ileesha Desilva almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

  1. emails are everyone's away to communicate
    1. people can send to all
      1. you can reply to people
        1. You can get a message from you boss your friends and parents
      2. People can give you a link
        1. Pictures via email as you can't do it through apps like whatsapp
        2. people all over the world have emails
          1. You can communicate to your friends from different countries through mind maps
          2. People can also scam you through emails
            1. you can be fooled so you should play smart
              1. They can send you fake links
                1. Fake advetisements
                  1. And act like fake people
              2. People should be aware of who people are
                1. It could be someone in disguise
                2. People can have different profiles
                  1. They can be fake and have a different profile
                  2. You can talk to people through emails
                    1. You can have it on your phone
                      1. You can send PowerPoint and words via emails that you can't through whatsapp
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