Data preprocessing


Mind Map on Data preprocessing, created by microbiologysiva on 21/02/2015.
Mind Map by microbiologysiva, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by microbiologysiva over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Data pre-processing


  • Data pre-processing is a data mining technique that involves transforming raw data into an understandable format
  1. Data cleaning


    • Data is cleansed through processes such as filling in missing values, smoothing the noisy data, or resolving the inconsistencies in the data.
    1. Missing values
      1. Noisy data
        1. Data cleaning as a process
          1. Data integration and transformation
          2. Data reduction


            • This step aims to present a reduced representation of the data in a data warehouse.
            1. Data cube aggregation
              1. Attributes subset selection
                1. Dimensionality reduction
                  1. Numerosity reduction
                    1. Data discretization and concept hierarchy generation
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