keep your mind focused and be inwardly calm. have a peaceful state of mind. meditate with compasion
right speach
tell the truth, do not swear or hurt people with what you say
right effort
work for good not evil. work hard to follow the eight fold path
right mindfulness
control your mind, and do not be self-indulgent be aware of your actions
right thought
is to think of compatiion all the time to others, show love. follow his teachings
right action
do not kill or injure any living creature. be kind and do not steal.
right livelyhood
your job should not cheat anyone or cause them harm. set a good example to others
right view
understand the four noble truths. appreciate the good points in yourself and in others.
5 moral precepts: all Buddhists live by the five moral precepts which means they try to avoid.
4. do not lie or gossip
do not talk behind peoples backs
if you lie it causes hatred
3. harmful sexual activity
do not rape or abuse anyone
1. harming living things
do not hurt and living creature on purpose
even humans
2. taking what is not given
5. taking intoxicating substances
4 noble truths
2. suffering is caused
3. suffering can end
putting out the 3 fires
4. the forth noble truths is the eight fold paths
1. life is suffering
the United Nations
what they do
send supplies
send shelter
build structures
fight deadly viruses
fight wars
it is making quite a difference as they are helping people in poverty and civilians in war which have been forced to flee their homes they also help people stop children in to becoming child soldiers also they are helping the objective of others from suffering