AS English Language and Literature context for A handful of Dust


AO3 for AHOD- 1930's England
Mind Map by MarthaE-S, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by MarthaE-S over 9 years ago

Resource summary

AS English Language and Literature context for A handful of Dust
  1. Marriage, Divorce and Adultery
    1. Heritage and Social rules
      1. Communication and Gossip
        1. Children and Family
          1. Religion, Belief systems and Faith
            1. Hospitality, Hotels, Guests and Friendship
              1. Countryside/ Town life
                1. Death, Sorrow and Mourning
                  1. Money and Class
                    1. Manners/ Etiquette
                      1. Trust and Betrayal
                        1. Transport and Travel
                          1. Women and Gender roles
                            1. Outsiders, Staff, Friends and Enemies
                              1. Self-control and Morality
                                1. Innocence, Gullability and Naivete
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