
Mind map - introduction to H. A. Simon (1990). Invariants of Human Behavior. In Annual Reviews, 41: 1-19
Katarina Styrakova
Mind Map by Katarina Styrakova, updated more than 1 year ago
Katarina Styrakova
Created by Katarina Styrakova almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. 1) Rational principles, that underlie nonoptimizing adaptive behavior of real people (Simon, 1957)


    • Introductory notes - start reading here
    1. H. A. Simon : search for alternatives, satisficing, aspiration adaptation
      1. R. Selten: cognitive & MOTIVATIONAL bounds
      2. 2) Physical Symbol System
        1. only physical symbol system is capable of an intelligent behavior
          1. ability to input, output, store and modify symbol structures
            1. ability to perform these action responding to the symbols itselfs
              1. H1 : Computers as physical symbol systems, can be programmed to think
                1. H2 : The Human Brain is at least a physical symbol system
                  1. Adaptivity
                    1. ability to adjust the response according to the requirements of the task
                      1. Because of limits on their computing speeds and power intelligent systems must use approximate methods to handle most tasks. Their rationality is bounded (p.6)
                        1. 1 blade of scissors : environment
                          1. different approximations = different solutions
                          2. 2 blade of scissors : thinking capacities of a system
                            1. knowledge, skills, strategy
              2. 3) Mechanisms for rationality - satisfactory solutions with modest computation
                1. Procedural rationality
                  1. Recognition - intuition
                    1. Heuristics - rules of thumb
                      1. a) clear structure: search directly towards the goal
                        1. b) if the structure is unknown
                          1. satisficing
                            1. means - end analysis
                          2. Serial pattern recognition & organization
                        2. 4) Thinking & Reasoning
                          1. Problem-solving metaphor
                            1. goals are achieved by sequence of moves through a problem space
                              1. recognition of the conditions - action
                            2. Reasoning metaphor
                              1. goals = sentences derived from other sentences
                                1. rules of inference to derive new sentences
                            3. 4) Cognitive Architecture - "the whole cognitive man
                              1. Memories
                                1. Sensoric processors
                                  1. Interpreters of motor signals
                                    1. EPAM
                                      1. GPS
                                        1. Pattern Induction system
                                          1. Systems for encoding natural language
                                            1. Systems for encoding image representations
                                              1. Adaptive production system
                                              2. %) Other Approaches in Psychology
                                                1. Individual differences
                                                  1. Knowledge
                                                    1. factual knowledge
                                                      1. learned skills
                                                      2. Strategies & transfer
                                                      3. Social Psychology
                                                        1. Social Environment of cognition
                                                          1. impact on acquisition of cognition
                                                            1. impact on structure of cognition
                                                        Show full summary Hide full summary


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