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The Crucible Characters
Mind Map on The Crucible Characters, created by hannahpayne on 30/04/2015.
Mind Map by
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
almost 10 years ago
Resource summary
The Crucible Characters
John Proctor
represents the confusion of an ordinary man caught up in a dangerous and unreasonable time
one of the only characters with common sense, decency and a sense of morality
is a reluctant leader but wants to do the right thing
could be a representation of Miller: regarding his anti-communist trial
he is very aware of his own faults- he is his harshest judge
why he is so set on making things right with Elizabeth
believes strongly in telling the truth
irony of having an affair
Abigail is the cause of his guilt
slightly hypocritical
is tourtured by the fact that he is living a lie
presented as man of integrity by Miller
realises how important his identity is to him
"because it is my name"
"i have given my soul; leave me my name"
under great pressure when dealing with the struggle inside him between the truth and reputation
especially when regarding his position in the community
"respected and even feared in Salem"
he is the plays tragic hero
usual have one weakness- his weakness being Abigail
can detect foolishness in others and expose it
Elizabeth Proctor
she has a moral superiority
"God forbid i take it from him"
"he have his goodness now"
mainly a victim through the whole play, through no fault of her own
through John and Abigail's affair
through Abigail's spiteful nature
belief in her husband and is loyal despite the things he has done
very different to her husband when it comes to emotions
protecting John's reputation when she lies for him
importance of reputation,- reflecting on Miller when he had his reputation scathed in the McCarthyism trials
cold and demanding
may have driven John to commit adultery
marriage is still tense due to constant suspicion
Abigail Williams
"my name is good in the village"
strong feelings towards self representation and reputation
orientated around John
she is cause of his guilt however
thinks of him as her property- even though he is with another woman
always trying to protect herself
"innocently" putting on an act to protect was they were doing
"quavering, as she sits"
portraying the fear that Parris wants her to have
fulfilling his ego and making him feel powerful
realistically she has all the power and can use it as she wishes
demonstrated later in the play
very powerful personality
inspires hysteria
lack of morals
shows desperation through her need to control everything and have everything her way
in someway she has been a victim
perhaps a motif for her actions
acting out due to past events- parents being killed
at her age it isn't uncommon
revengeful towards Elizabeth
aware of her sexuality
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