that cause disease
are called
Bacteria can reproduce
rapidly inside the body.
They may produce toxins
that make us feel ill.
Viruses reproduce
inside a body cell
then destroy it when
they burst out. The
viruses then invade
other cells.
An epidemic occurs when a wide spread of
people have a disease. A Pandemic is when the
disease affects a whole country or goes world
In 1840's Semmelweis used evidence for the death rates of women to work out they were dying because
doctors were transferring something to them from dead bodies. He made all the doctors wash their hands in
chlorine water and, within a very short time, the death rate plummeted. We now know the infection that
killed the women was caused by bacteria!
A New
Scientists are still learning about pathogens
Doctors once thought that stomach ulcers were caused by stress or
over-secretion of acid in the stomach. In 1982 researchers, Marshall and
Warren, found bacteria in the stomachs of people with ulcers. The evidence
to prove it came when Warren swallowed some of the bacteria and
developed a stomach ulcer.