passive voice


information about passive voice
kevin gomez
Mind Map by kevin gomez, updated more than 1 year ago
kevin gomez
Created by kevin gomez over 4 years ago

Resource summary

passive voice
  1. Characteristics
    1. Is not a tense
      1. have same tenses and aspects
        1. Focus attention is different
          1. Passive voice
            1. is focus on
              1. Doer of the sentence
              2. characterized by
                1. Receiver is in the subject position
              3. Active voice
                1. is focus on
                  1. Object of the sentence
                  2. Characterized by
                    1. Agent is in the subject position
          2. It´s divide in
            1. Active and passive voice
            2. Other characteristics
              1. Verbs with no Passive voice
                1. Intransitive
                  1. characterized by
                    1. Not have objects
                  2. Transitive nonpassive
                    1. characterized by
                      1. sounds awkward utterance
                2. Transformation
                  1. Active voiced into Passive voice
                    1. It´s needed
                      1. Object
                        1. Direct object
                        2. Direct object takes the subject position
                          1. Check
                            1. Aspect
                              1. Tense
                                1. Modality
                                2. Verb to be
                                  1. Principal verb
                                    1. Past Participle
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