
Mind Map on Untitled, created by Lisa Munira on 16/09/2015.
Lisa Munira
Mind Map by Lisa Munira, updated more than 1 year ago
Lisa Munira
Created by Lisa Munira about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Patau Syndrome
    1. caused by chromosomal abnormality (trisomy 13)
      1. some/all of cells has extra genetics material from chromosome 13
        1. Complete trisomy 13
          1. Mosaic trisomy 13
            1. Partial trisomy 13
            2. CHARACTERISTICS
              1. Holopresencephaly
                1. Forebrain fail to divide into hemisphere
                2. Intellectual disability
                  1. Musculoskeletal
                          1. CAUSES
                            1. Part of chromosome 13 become attached to another chromosomes (translocated)
                              1. Random events during the formation of reproductive cells
                              2. TYPES
                                1. Partial trisomy 13
                                  1. Complete trisomy 13
                                    1. Mosaic trisomy 13
                                    2. TREATMENT
                                      1. Depends on the case or circumstances
                                        1. Physical, occupational and speech therapy
                                          1. Surgery
                                            1. Genetic counseling
                                              1. Personal decision
                                                1. Pregnancies
                                                  1. Health
                                                    1. Child's health care
                                                    2. Informations and supports
                                                      1. Support groups
                                                        1. Ethical issues
                                                          1. Teaching and research
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