Industrial Revolution Inventions


Robert Mason
Mind Map by Robert Mason, updated more than 1 year ago
Robert Mason
Created by Robert Mason about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Industrial Revolution Inventions
  1. The Flying Shuttle
    1. John Kay
      1. 1733
        1. One 'Driver' to work on the Machine
          1. Weaved Cotton at quicker than two workers
            1. Halved Labour Costs
            2. The Spinning Jenny
              1. James Hargreaves
                1. 1764
                  1. Named Fter Arkwright's Daughter
                    1. Could spin 8 Threads at Once
                      1. Could do 8 peoples work at once
                      2. The Water Frame
                        1. Richard Arkwright
                          1. 1769
                            1. They were Very Big
                              1. Could cope with the increasing demand for cloth
                                1. Powered By water
                                  1. Split up Families
                                    1. Found in Mills
                                    2. The Spinning Mule
                                      1. Samuel Crompton
                                        1. 1779
                                          1. Based on the Spinning Jenny and the Water Frame
                                            1. Produced a Fine Even Thread
                                            2. The Power Loom
                                              1. Edmund Cartwright
                                                1. Inspired by Richard Arkwright
                                                2. Improved Speed and Quality of Weaving
                                                  1. 1785
                                                    1. Workers to Man the Machine
                                                      1. Powered by Steam Engines in 1789
                                                        1. Revolutionised Weaving
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