Rebecca Campbell Losing Weight


Ideas for how to lose weight by eating healthy.
Rebecca Campbell
Mind Map by Rebecca Campbell, updated more than 1 year ago
Rebecca Campbell
Created by Rebecca Campbell almost 3 years ago

Resource summary

Rebecca Campbell Losing Weight
  1. Fruits
    1. Quick and easy
      1. Strawberries
        1. Bananas
          1. Grapes
            1. Oranges
              1. Pears
            2. When to eat
              1. Don't eat after 7pm
                1. Eat breakfast if hungry
                  1. Don't wait all day to eat
                    1. Bring snacks to work
                      1. Meal prep to always have healthy food
                      2. Veggies
                        1. Quick and easy
                          1. Celery
                            1. Carrots
                              1. Raw zucchini
                                1. Cherry Tomatoes
                              2. Exercise
                                1. 3 times a week
                                  1. Walk to new places
                                    1. Walk with Amanda
                                      1. HAVE FUN!
                                      2. Mental Health
                                        1. See my counselor monthly
                                          1. Take daily meds
                                            1. Remain Sober
                                              1. Don't keep secrets from family
                                              2. May 6, 2022
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