Learning Theory Instructional Aids


Mind Map on Learning Theory Instructional Aids, created by Sarah Cesena on 11/06/2022.
Sarah Cesena
Mind Map by Sarah Cesena, updated more than 1 year ago
Sarah Cesena
Created by Sarah Cesena over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Learning Theory Instructional Aids
  1. Cognitivism: building upon prior knowledge
    1. Visual aid models to improve recall
      1. mnemonics
        1. chunking
          1. Minimize cognitive load: concise, clear info. & instruction
            1. Interest buy in w/ "hooks"
              1. Discuss learning objective-why learning this?
              2. Connectivism: forming mass intelligence by building on a network of sharing, dialoguing and thinking together
                1. Digital communities, social networks
                  1. Digital media
                    1. Positive relevant connections to learning via personal interests & experiences
                    2. Constructivism:building new ideas from one's own discoveries
                      1. student centered
                        1. Collaboration
                          1. Project based learning
                            1. social learning
                            2. Humanism: Learner needs, self-actualization
                              1. Student centered: control over choices
                                1. self-paced
                                  1. self-evaluation
                                  2. Behaviorism: response to stimuli
                                    1. Feedback: reinforcement reminders
                                      1. Drills
                                        1. Cues
                                          1. Repitition
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