Sports Documentary


Mollie Green
Mind Map by Mollie Green, updated more than 1 year ago
Mollie Green
Created by Mollie Green about 9 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Sports Documentary
  1. Doping Drug types
    1. stimulants
      1. more alert and mask fatigue
      2. steroids
        1. train harder, build muscle quicker
        2. diuretics
          1. remove fluid from body, to make weight (boxing) to hide other drug use.
          2. Narcotics
            1. analgesics
              1. masks pain
              2. peptides
                1. HGH
                  1. Human growth hormone, build muscle
                  2. erythorpoietin
                    1. red blood cell, gives more engery
                  3. Sports
                    1. cycling
                      1. Football
                        1. Running
                          1. Horse ridding
                            1. boxing
                              1. body building
                                1. swimming
                                2. Shot types
                                  1. over the shoulder
                                    1. close up/extreme close up
                                      1. match on action
                                        1. tracking
                                        2. Blood doping
                                          1. Blood doping is injecting blood that has been removed from the body a few days earlier,blood carry more oxygen, can cause kidney and heart failure.
                                            1. Beta blockers
                                              1. banned in shooting/archery
                                                1. slow heart
                                                  1. reduce hand shake
                                                2. Famous examples
                                                  1. lance armstrong ( cycling)
                                                    1. Gatlin (sprinting)
                                                    2. Location shooting
                                                      1. Leisure center
                                                        1. outdoor
                                                          1. roads
                                                            1. running tracks
                                                            2. gym
                                                            3. Features to include in trailer
                                                              1. Fast pace
                                                                1. Dramatic soundtrack
                                                                  1. real facts
                                                                    1. tranisitions
                                                                    2. editing
                                                                      1. slow motion
                                                                        1. reverse
                                                                        2. pace
                                                                        3. Actors
                                                                          1. Real life athletes
                                                                            1. youth
                                                                              1. Experience
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