Biology Proteins


Biology AQA specification point 3.1.2 revision on proteins
Emily Miller
Mind Map by Emily Miller, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by evie.daines almost 9 years ago
Emily Miller
Copied by Emily Miller almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Biology Proteins
  1. Functions of proteins
    1. antibodies
      1. enzymes
        1. growth and repair of cells
        2. Structure of an Amino Acid
          1. Condensation reaction (removal of water) forms bonds between molecules
            1. bonds between proteins are called peptide bonds
            2. Structure
              1. Primary
                1. specific chain of amino acids
                  1. depends on the order and number of amino acids
                    1. gives it, it's specific function
                      1. Stabilizing Factors
                        1. Peptide Bonds
                      2. secondary
                        1. alpha helix and beta pleated Sheet
                          1. twist around each other
                            1. Stabilizing Factors
                              1. Hydrogen Bonds in Between molecules
                            2. tertiary
                              1. Give enzymes their specific active site and shape
                                1. Stabilizing Factors
                                  1. H-bonds
                                    1. Hydrophobic interactions
                                      1. Ionic Bonds
                                        1. disulfide Bridge
                                          1. Strongest
                                            1. S-H sistine
                                        2. Quartenery
                                          1. Joining of many tertiary Structures (polypepitde subunits)
                                            1. might be non-proteins associated
                                              1. haemoglobin
                                          2. Denaturation
                                            1. Protein unravels and loses its native conformation

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