4 Theories of Motivation


Meaning of each of the theories.
Mind Map by adrianpenalarriv, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by adrianpenalarriv about 9 years ago

Resource summary

4 Theories of Motivation
  1. Scientific Theories
    1. Money is the motivation of the worker
      1. Workers receive a pay
        1. If they go overtime they get a bonus
      2. Theory of Needs
        1. Self-fulfilment
          1. Is you striving to be the best in the world and achieve your goals
            1. As well as job promotions and development
            2. Social
              1. Willing to interact and be part of a group and be recognised
              2. Physiological
                1. Taking care of them selfs, have a good diet, rest when you really need it
                2. Secrurity
                  1. A steady job
                3. Motivation Theories
                  1. Expectancy
                    1. Suggests that motivation is the result of the value that the individual places on the possible outcomes of his /her actions and the expectation that his / her goals are met.
                    2. Equity
                      1. Workers compare their own achievements and use's it for motivation. Also receives compensations
                    3. Theory X & Y
                      1. "x"
                        1. Worker tend to be more lazy and doesn't like their job
                          1. Workers are selfish and unaware of the responsabilities
                          2. "y"
                            1. Worker enjoy their job, the managers create situations where they can be creative and show their skills
                              1. As long as they are motivated they tend to be more organised and eficient
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