Variables that intervene in theorganization ( managerial games )


Illustrative design: Mental map of the variables that intervene in the organization, that support the strategic decision making process.
Dacna Ramos
Mind Map by Dacna Ramos, updated more than 1 year ago
Dacna Ramos
Created by Dacna Ramos about 1 year ago

Resource summary

Variables that intervene in theorganization ( managerial games )
  1. Brief explanation of the different variables that intervene in the organization and support the strategic decision-making process


    1. External context: Refers to factors external to the organization that may influence its performance and strategic decisions. This includes the economic, political, social and technological environment in which the organization operates. Understanding and adapting to these factors is essential to making effective strategic decisions.
      1. Internal context: Refers to the internal resources, capabilities and characteristics of the organization that can influence its performance and strategic decisions. This includes organizational culture, tangible and intangible assets, organizational structure, and staff skills. The analysis of the internal context helps to identify the internal strengths and weaknesses of the organization.
        1. Market analysis: Involves evaluating the market in which the organization operates, including competitors, customers, suppliers, and market trends. This analysis provides key information about the opportunities and threats of the external environment, which helps to make informed and competitive strategic decisions.
          1. Strategic planning: It involves the formulation of a long-term strategy that defines the objectives and the path to follow to achieve them. Strategic planning guides strategic decision making by establishing a clear direction and structure for the implementation of the strategy.
            1. Resource management: Involves the efficient allocation of resources such as capital, personnel, technology, and other assets necessary to implement the strategy. Proper resource management is essential to support strategic decision-making and ensure implementation feasibility and success.
              1. Innovation and adaptability: Includes the organization's ability to innovate, adapt and respond to changes in the business environment. Strategic decision making must take into account the need to keep up with the latest trends and adopt innovative approaches to maintain competitive advantage.
                1. Stakeholder Engagement: Involves involving all relevant stakeholders, such as employees, shareholders, customers, and suppliers, in the strategic decision-making process. Considering the perspectives and needs of stakeholders helps to make more balanced decisions and build strong relationships with them.
                  1. Measurement and control: Involves the establishment of key performance indicators and the implementation of control systems to monitor progress and evaluate the success of strategic decisions. Measurement and control provide important feedback and allow adjustments to be made if necessary.
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