

how diseases are spread how diseases are cured how anti-bodies fight diseases
tom palmer
Mind Map by tom palmer, updated more than 1 year ago
tom palmer
Created by tom palmer about 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. How does it spread?
    1. Through cuts in the skin
      1. To stop the disease, blood cells for together and make a scan to cover the cut or wound
      2. Droplets in the air
        1. When people sneeze the droplets going into the air
        2. Uncooked food.
          1. When you eat food that is not cooked properly, you get food poisoning which causes your stomach acid to fight it otherwise it'll give you salmonella (e.g. chicken,)
        3. How can it be cured?
          1. Vaccinations
            1. Vaccintions are an injection, in the syringe there is a weak form of the disease which makes your body create anti-bodies so if you do get the disease your body can fight it straight away
              1. Anti-bodies
                1. Anti-bodies are cells which fight diseases so your body can cure it as fast as it can
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